Deleting draft bills
When a bill is created for a client it's held with the status of draft until it is posted. Draft bills can be viewed from:
The Draft Bills page which lists all current draft bills for the practice.
The Bills tab on the client page, under the heading Draft Bills, which lists all the draft bills for the selected client. (In MYOB AE, draft bills are listed whether raised at the client level or assignment level.)
(AE) The Bills tab on the Assignment Details page, which lists all the draft bills raised for the selected assignment.
Draft bills on these tabs display the bill creation date and the entry and authorisation status. The Draft Bills page also displays the name of the employee who created the bill, the write-off and billed amounts.
You can delete a draft bill at any point until it is posted (once posted it will no longer be displayed in the Draft Bills list). Before deleting a posted bill, you must reverse the bill so that the amounts are returned to WIP (see Reversing bills).