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Document storage settings

Accountants Enterprise only

You now have the option to select how to access, store and manage documents associated with assignments, clients, contacts or suppliers. The option selected is a practice-wide setting. The two options available are:

List view

List view is the default option for managing and viewing documents. You can create links to individual assignment, client, contact or supplier documents. Document links are listed for the selected assignment, client, contact or supplier. Additional data, such as a description, can be stored with each document link.

Windows Explorer view

This option is only available if you do not have Document Manager.

Windows Explorer view enables you to specify a documents folder for each client, contact or supplier and manage documents within the folder using standard Windows features like drag and drop, cut, copy and paste.

You are not able to store any additional data relating to the documents in this view as you can with the List view (i.e., no descriptions are stored with the documents).

No security settings are employed to prevent team members from adding, editing and deleting documents in the Windows Explorer view. Your practice must set the appropriate security for the documents folder on the network.

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