The Document Styles page is used to add and maintain your document styles. These styles can be used for tax invoices, credit notes, fee notes, adjustment notes and receipts. The system uses a set of default billing styles unless another style is selected.
To set up a document style
Select Maintenance > Documents > Document Styles on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Document Styles.
Enter the name of the new document style in the first blank Description field at the top of the table. The Description field is limited to a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters.
Click the checkbox in the Enabled column to make the style available for use. Deselecting the Enabled checkbox will make the style unavailable for use.
Enter or edit the path to the template that will be used for creating invoices on the Word Template field.
Click the ellipse button to browse to the location of the template and select it.
Select the document Type from the drop-down. For example, Client Bill, Client Receipt, Supplier Payment (AE) or Adjustment Note.
Press [Enter] to add more styles.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Document Styles page.
If you edit the style names or descriptions after you’ve set up the document style, it will break any invoice that is already using that style.
To make a document style unavailable to users
Select Maintenance > Documents > Document Styles on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Document Styles. The Document Styles page opens.
De-select the checkbox in the Enabled column for the selected document style to make the style unavailable for use.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Document Styles page.
To delete a document style
You can’t delete a document style if it has been used.
Select Maintenance > Documents > Document Styles on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Document Styles. The Document Styles page opens.
Click the row containing the document style you want to delete.
Click to highlight the entire row.
Press [Delete]. A Confirm Delete message is displayed.
Click Yes. The Document Style is deleted.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Document Styles page.
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