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Editing bank account details for the Practice

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

If your practice has changed Banks and print out Bank Deposit Slips, you may need to edit the Bank Account details so the correct details prefill the Bank Deposit Slip.

To edit the Bank Account details
  1. In AE Practice Manager (AEPM), navigate to Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes, and select the Nominal Code List tab.
  2. Highlight the Nominal code that has the 'Nominal Code Type' of Bank, for example 680 and edit the account details.

    In order to record the Account Number, BSB and Bank fields, you may need to use the right mouse click to select the Field Chooser and then drag the Bank Account Number, Bank Sort Code (BSB) and the Bank Code fields onto the existing column headers.
  3. Click OK to save changes. 
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