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Emailing Debtor Statements from Practice Manager

Debtor statements are emailed to your clients using the mail merge functionality. MYOB provides sample templates for you to use and customise for your practice. For more information on how to modify the sample templates, refer to Emailing Debtor Statements using Practice Manager.

Emailing debtor statements are initiated from the client search screen, using the Search from reports function. Debtor statements cannot be emailed by initiating a mail merge directly.

Before starting this process, we strongly recommend closing Microsoft Outlook on your computer, and reopening it.

To email debtor statements
  1. In the Find Clients page, select New search from reports from the dropdown, and click Search.
  2. The list of reporting areas displays. Scroll down to Debtors statements or Debtors statements balance forward, and select the statement you would usually run via reports. Click OK.
  3. The relevant filters from the statement will run. If there are any prompts for this filter, enter your desired filter values and click OK. The Client list returned to your screen in the Find Clients page will display clients that meet your filter criteria.

    If additional debtor entries are processed after running the search, these will not be reflected in the statement.

  4. Select the clients that will be receiving the emailed statement by using the checkboxes to the left of the table. You can select individual clients, or you can select all clients by clicking the checkbox in the header of the table.
  5. In the Task bar, click Mail merge wizard. The Mail Merge Wizard displays.
  6. In the Select mail merge method screen, select Email, and then click Next.

    Choosing Email will not give you the opportunity to preview the statement. To preview the statement, select Word document mail merge - create letter or label. After review, you can run through the wizard again using the Email option.

  7. In the Select the email template screen, choose the email template you wish to use, and click Next.

    If you have not created an email template for your debtors statements, click Add new email template (see Creating a new email template for more details). The newly created template will appear in the list afterwards.
  8. In the Email details screen, select Create a mail merge Word document and attach to this email.

    In the section Email address to be sent from, select the email you wish to send the email from. Click Next.

    The Company email address is defined in Maintenance Map. Each user’s personal email address is defined under the Employee > Personal tab.

  9. In the Select the Word template for the letters or labels screen, select the debtors statement Microsoft Word template you wish to use, and then click Next.
  10. In the Select the contact precedence screen, select the contact precedence if you are using this functionality within email statements. For instance, selecting has debtors statement contact will email the statement to the email address of the associated person.
    If you are not using contact precedence for debtor statements, leave the value as MAIN and then click Next.
  11. In the Save the email to client’s documents screen, the option Multiple documents will be selected, as multiple documents will be created and saved against the client. The option Add to document history will also be automatically selected. The Description field will be automatically populated from the email subject line.
  12. Click Finish to complete the process. A progress bar displays while the documents are processed and sent to your email.

    Statement emails will be processed via your draft folder in Outlook. You will notice that this folder will increase in number and decrease as emails are being sent. All final emails can be viewed in your Sent folder. A copy of the email is also stored under the Documents tab in the client.

To download statement templates

Statement templates can be found in Emailing Debtor Statements using Practice Manager.

Save the template ZIP file from this page to a temporary location on your computer. After extracting the template you wish to use, copy it to your template directory, defined in Maintenance MapMailing Settings > Template path.

To ensure that the template works with your version of Microsoft Office, right-click the template in Windows Explorer, and click Open.

You may see the following message when opening the template — click No if it displays.

Make any small change, and then save the document.

To edit Statement Templates

For further edits to the example statement template, you need to do so within the Mail Merge Wizard.

  1. In the Find Clients page, select a client and click Mail merge wizard in the Tasks bar.

  2. In the Select the mail merge method screen, click Next. The option Word document mail merge - create letter or label should be selected by default.

  3. Select the Microsoft Word template from the list.

  4. Right-click the template, and then select Edit Template. The template file opens.

  5. Make the required changes and save them as a new template. Close the Mail Merge Wizard by clicking Cancel.

    For more information on editing templates, refer to the documentation Emailing Debtor Statements using Practice Manager. This contains instructions on how to add your logo to the statement, update the footer contents, and other changes.
    You can also add additional merge fields by using Insert merge fields in Microsoft Word.

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