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Employee categories

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

The Employee Categories page is used to create and maintain the different groups or categories of employees in the practice. The employee categories form the basis of managing resources.

On this page, you can view all the current categories, the hours that are set for them as well as all the employees within each category.

The charge rate for work done is attached to different employee categories. When employees complete their timesheets, the rate attached to their employee category is the default amount charged to the client for the work done. A different rate is usually maintained for each of the different employee categories set up by the practice.

Employee Category charge rates are defaults used when calculating time allocated to schedules for the purpose of the schedule budget.


To set up an employee category
  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Employee Categories. The Maintenance — Employee Categories page opens showing:

    • an Employee Category panel — the default category displayed is -UNSPECIFIED-.

    • Notes panel — you can add notes or other information relating to responsibilities of the group.

    • Employees panel — the default group displayed is -UNSPEC-. It lists the members of the category selected in the Employee Category panel.

  2. Enter the category Name in the first blank row at the top of the Employee Category panel.

  3. Enter the Charge Rate for the employee category in the first blank cell.

  4. Click the checkbox in the Unspecified column, if required.

  5. Click the Default Homepage field and click the ellipse button. The Find Employees window opens.

  6. Find and open an employee. The employee’s name is displayed in the Default Homepage field.

  7. Enter any notes you want to make about the employee category in the Notes panel.

  8. Press [Enter] to add more employee categories.

  9. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance — Employee Categories page.

To delete an employee category

You cannot delete categories that are being used by the database. If you try to delete a category that is associated with clients or employees, an error message is displayed.

  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Employee Categories. The Maintenance — Employee Categories page opens.

  2. Select the Employee Category you want to delete. Click

    beside the Employee Category row you want to delete. This will highlight the row.

  3. Press [Delete]. A System Information message is displayed requesting confirmation of the deletion.

  4. Click Yes. The category is deleted. If you try to delete a category that is in use, an error message is displayed.

  5. Repeat from step 2 to delete additional categories.

To set up an employee category charge rate
  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Employee Categories. The Maintenance — Employee Categories page opens. Existing categories are listed in the Employee Category table.

  2. Click the Charge Rate cell of the employee category you want to set up.

  3. Enter the Charge Rate.

  4. If you want to create a new employee category, click the first row and enter the desired details including the new Charge Rate.
    See To set up an employee category above.

To delete an employee category charge rate
  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Employee Categories. The Maintenance — Employee Categories page opens. Existing categories are listed in the Employee Category table.

  2. Select the charge rate cell that you want to delete.

  3. Press [Delete]. The employee category charge rate is deleted.

To review and update an employee's category
  1. Either highlight the Category the employee is linked to if you know this already from Maintenance > Maintenance MapEmployee > Employee Categories and click the Employee name from the bottom right hand corner of the screen to open their record or open the employee via Finding and opening Employee records.
  2. From the employee's Main tab, review or update the Employee Category in the Stationed by clicking into the Category field and clicking the ellipses [...] button. An ellipsis [...] button appears.
  3. Click the ellipsis [...] button. The Find Employee Categories screen appears.
  4. Enter the category name in the Search for field and click Search. The search results display.
  5. Highlight the employee category and click OK. The Category field updates with your selection.

    Where an employee has changed roles in the practice, you may want to enter an End Date to the existing stationed record and then enter a new line with the Start Date reflecting the date they changed roles and allocate the employee to their new Employee Category, for example, Accountant. You can then review/update their charge rates via Adding employee charge rates.

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