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Entering disbursements for an employee

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

A disbursement for an employee is available for the current day/week or for a selected day/week.

There are a number of ways to open a disbursement. You can open a disbursement sheet from your Homepage if it is customised to show the Toolbox Approve option.

To open an existing Disbursement Sheet

An existing disbursement sheet can be opened in the following ways:

  1. Select TimesheetOpen > Disbursement Sheet from the toolbar.

  2. Select the time period using the From and To calendar drop-downs. A list of disbursement sheets is displayed.

  3. Double-click the disbursement you want to open.


  1. Select Employee page > Timesheet tab.

  2. Select Disbursement from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

  3. Select the time period using the From and To calendar drop-downs. A list of disbursement sheets is displayed.

  4. Double-click the disbursement you want to open. The Disbursement Entry page opens.

To open a new Disbursement Sheet

A new disbursement sheet can be opened in the following ways:

  • Select TimesheetCreate New > Disbursement Sheet from the toolbar.

  • From an Employee page, click Create disbursement sheet on the TASKS bar. The Create New Sheet window opens. Select a time period and then click OK.

  • From the Employee page > Timesheets tab, select Disbursement from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Click Create disbursement sheet on the TASKS bar. The Create New Sheet window opens. Select a time period then click OK.

    You can create the next disbursement sheet by clicking Create next disbursement sheet on the TASKS bar.

The Disbursement Entry page opens for the current or selected day.

To open a Disbursement Sheet from your Homepage
  1. Open your Homepage.

  2. In the Approve option window, locate the Disbursement Sheet 

     you want to open.

  3. Double-click the link in the Employee name. The Disbursement Sheet opens.

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