Entering supplier invoices as disbursement entries to WIP
Accountants Enterprise only
Invoices may be entered as disbursement entries using the Purchase Entry window.
To enter a supplier invoice as a disbursement entry to WIP
Select Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Invoice on the main menu. The Creditors Invoice window opens.
Select the Company from the drop-down.
Find and open the supplier by clicking the ellipse button on the Supplier field to open the Find Supplier window (See Finding and opening suppliers). The selected supplier is displayed in the Supplier field of the Creditors Invoice window.
Enter the Date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the unique invoice Number.
This step is mandatory and the number must be unique.
Enter a brief Description of the goods or services you are paying for. This field is limited to a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters.
Select the Due Date for the invoice.
Enter the Amount of the invoice.
Select the Approval Employee from the drop-down.
Double-click the top row of the Analysis table. The fields in this row are completed automatically using the information entered.
This field displays the net amount that the creditor will receive after tax has been deducted from the amount entered in the Amount field.
If you make any changes to the Gross amount or change the Tax Rate, the amount in this cell updates automatically.
Tax Rates
The tax rate set up earlier on the Supplier page or the Create New Supplier wizard is displayed by default. Use the drop-down to update the tax rate if required. If you do change the tax rate, the amount displayed in the Net and Tax fields updates automatically to reflect the new tax rate.
This field displays the amount of tax that will be deducted from the gross amount. Changes made to the Tax Rate are automatically reflected in this cell.
This field displays the amount entered in the Amount field. This can be modified to reflect the break-up of a bill, or different bills if you are paying for more than one bill through this invoice.
This field displays the default nominal account for the supplier set up earlier on the Supplier page or the Create New Supplier wizard. Click the field and select a nominal account from the drop-down if such accounts have been set up in the system.
Enter notes in this field if required. Click the ellipse button in the field to open the Comment box to enter text.
Assignment Description
Enter a description of the assignment, if required.
Click the Nominal Account field and select the account.
Press [Enter] twice with the Nominal Account field still selected. The Allocate Disbursements window opens. Use this window to allocate the disbursement to the appropriate client assignment.
Click Allocate. The Disbursement Allocation window opens.
Find and open an assignment. Click the ellipse button in the Assignment field to open the Find Assignments window. The name of the selected assignment is displayed in the Assignment field on the Disbursement Allocation window.
Select the Task from the drop-down.
Enter or edit the Comment.The name of the supplier, the invoice number and invoice description entered on the Creditors Invoice window is displayed in this field by default.
Click Post to post the invoice to the purchase ledger. The Allocated and Unallocated fields display the net amount in the Analysis section of the Creditors Invoice window. You can modify the Allocated amount, if required. For example, if you would like to allocate part of the amount to one assignment and the rest to another assignment.
Click Allocate when you have finished allocating the amount. The Disbursement Allocation window closes and the Allocate Disbursement window displays the selected assignment, task, comment and allocated amount.
Click Allocate to allocate the amount to the selected assignment. If you allocated part of the invoice amount, the Disbursement Allocation window opens again to allow you to disburse the remaining amount.
Repeat Step 14. to Step 19. to allocate the remaining amount.
Click Allocate.
Click OK when the full amount is allocated. You are returned to the Creditors Invoice window where the disbursements are displayed in separate rows in the Analysis table.
Click Submit
to submit the draft invoice for authorisation. The status changes to Submitted
Click Close to close the invoice window. This disbursement is recorded to the disbursement sheet which is waiting for approval. Once the disbursement sheet is approved and posted, this expense will be applied to the selected assignment’s WIP total.
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