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Hiding / showing Tax File Numbers (TFN's)

Australia only

You can now hide or make visible a client’s tax file number (TFN) to employees of a specific security group.

The #Client#Show Tax File Number task permission in the Client group for the Central product can be set using MaintenanceMaintenance MapSecurity > Task Permissions.

The client’s TFN has also been added as an Extra field on the Client page > Extra tab.

If you choose to hide a client’s TFN, then:

  • it will not be displayed in any Reports

  • (AE) it will not be available as a merged field in Document Manager

  • an employee will not be able to enter a TFN on the Client page > Main tab

  • an employee will not be able to enter a TFN on the Client page > Extra tab.


To hide/allow the visibility of a client’s TFN
  1. Select Maintenance > Maintenance MapSecurity > Task Permissions. The Maintenance Task Permissions page opens.

  2. Select the Central from the Product drop-down.

  3. Select the Group (security group) from the drop-down that you want to change the task permissions for. The Group Descriptions assigned to the Group are listed in the panel.

  4. Click

     beside the Client Group Description to list the available task permissions. The list expands and displays a checkbox in the Allow column.

  5. Select the checkbox in the Allow column to give permission to #Client#Show Tax File Number allow the display of client TFNs.

  6. Deselect the checkbox in the Allow column for #Client#Show Tax File Number if you do not want to display client TFNs.

  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance Task Permissions page.

  8. Close and re-open AE/AO.

  9. Open a client and check the client’s TFN has also been added as an Extra field on the Client page > Extra tab.

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