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Identifying if you have administrator MYOB access


The Login field on the Practice my.MYOB Settings window requires a valid MYOB Login that has:

  • permission in my.myob to manage practice users and their online file access
  • administrator rights to the client code specified in the MYOB client code field.
To identify a user who can manage practice users and their online file access
  1. Log into (Australia) or (New Zealand). Use an MYOB Login that has administrator rights to the client code specified in the MYOB client code field.

    If you do not know an MYOB Login that has administrator rights, you will need to contact us for support.

  2. If necessary, select the appropriate MYOB client code from the drop-down at the top of the page.

  3. Select My Account > Manage practice users.

  4. Locate a user that has:

    • Yes in the Can add/edit/delete practice users and download software column, and

    • Yes in the Can manage online file access for practice users column.

    This user has permission in my.myob to manage practice users and their online file access and rights to a particular MYOB client code.

To give a user permission to manage practice users and their online file access
  1. Log into (Australia) or (New Zealand).
    Use a MYOB login that has administrator rights to the client code specified in the MYOB client code field.

  2. If necessary, select the appropriate MYOB client code from the drop-down at the top of the page.

  3. Select My Account > Manage practice users.

  4. Locate a user that has Yes in the Can add/edit/delete practice users and download software column.

  5. Select the Edit link in the Action column for the selected user.

  6. On the Practice User Details page, select the Can manage online file access for practice users checkbox in the Permissions section.

  7. Confirm that the following checkboxes are selected:

    1. Access to my.MYOB

    2. Can add/edit/delete practice users and download software

    3. Can manage online file access for practice users.

  8. Select Update. This user has permission in my.myob to manage practice users and their online file access and rights to a particular MYOB client code.





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