Use Master Paragraphs during billing to add standard text to a bill. They'll save you from typing the same text over and over again.
Most practices develop their own library of master paragraphs to suit their billing requirements.
They can be grouped into Types which can contain a number of related paragraphs. For example, you may have a group of paragraphs under a Type heading of Tax for example.
You can also attach paragraphs to specific assignments (AE) / jobs (AO). When a bill is created for that assignment/job, all billing text can be added in one step.
Once set up, use the Master Paragraphs window to view and select the master paragraphs when you're raising a bill for a client.
To add new master paragraphs, you'll need super user /administrator access rights in the system. See your system administrator if you require access.
To add a new Master Paragraph
In AE/AO, from the main menu, go to Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Master Paragraphs. The Master Paragraphs window appears.
Under Paragraph Name, in the blank line at the top, type in the new Paragraph Name and press Enter. The new paragraph is created.
Locate the new paragraph created in the list (located at the end of the list) and highlight the new paragraph. The new paragraph is highlighted.
Under the formatting section, type your standard into the blank text area at the bottom of the screen. Master paragraph text is entered.
Highlight the text entered and select the practice default font, for example, Arial 10.
Click OK.
If you have any text in Microsoft Word that you want to use to create master paragraphs, copy the text into Word Pad and then highlight and copy the text from Word Pad into Practice Manager.
To edit a Master Paragraph
In AE/AO, from the main menu, go toMaintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents > Master Paragraphs. TheMaster Paragraphswindow appears.
Locate and highlight the paragraph you wish to edit. The paragraph is selected.
Edit the text in the text area at the bottom of the screen.
Ensure that the paragraph is using the correct practice default font. To update the text font, highlight the text and select the relevant font and font size.
To print a list of Master Paragraphs
In AE/AO, from the main menu, in the toolbar, click the Reports icon. The Reports tab opens.
On the Tasks bar, scroll down and select MASTER PARAGRAPH.
Under the Reports tab, in the main reporting section, highlight the Master Paragraphs report and either:
double-click the report title or description or
Click Run. The report displays.
On the toolbar, click Print to print the report. Click OK after selecting your printer.
Once the report prints, click Close.
Adding Master Paragraphs during client billing process
In stage 3 of the billing wizard, when you click Paragraphs, you can:
drag and drop a single master paragraph onto the page. The paragraph will be added as a new paragraph
make multiple selections by holding down [Ctrl] while clicking the required paragraphs. Each selected paragraph is added as a new paragraph
add the content of one or more master paragraphs to an existing paragraph in the draft bill text (without overwriting) by holding [Shift] while you drag them to the draft bill
expand the types by clicking to view the paragraphs below and add them to a bill.
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