The Miscellaneoussettings are defined when the system is installed.
To define miscellaneous settings
Select Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous on the main menu (AE) or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous. The Miscellaneous page opens.
Enter a discount (as a percentage) on the work performed by the practice in the Discount Rate field.
Select to split the General Ledger by Assignment (AE) / Job (AO) or by Code from the Nominal Split By field drop-down.
Select the Disbursements Employee from the drop-down. This forces disbursements to an employee so it is easier to track all disbursements when calculating disbursement payments to a client. You can select Practice Disbursements as the default.
Select the account code that is credited when the WIP movement is entered, from the WIP Movement Credit Account field drop-down. (AE) Account Codes are maintained in Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes.
Select the account code that is debited when the WIP movement is entered, from the WIP Movement Debit Account field drop-down.
Select a colour to identify Assignment Chargeable and Assignment NonChargeable fields.
Click the ellipse button to display the Color palette and select a suitable colour.
Click OK.
Click OK to save and close the Miscellaneous page.
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