Prebilling reports and detailed WIP reports for clients
In MYOB Practice Manager, to print a detailed WIP report to review prior to billing your client, you have two options:
- Prebilling reports or
- WIP Enquiry
Prebilling reports are a predefined reports that allow you to print a detailed wip report up to a specified date for a client. If a client is a parent client, all WIP recorded for the associated child clients will also be included.
There are four prebilling reports available. You can access these from the Assignments tab (AE)/Jobs tab (AO) on the client page, or the WIP tab (AE) on the Assignment Details page. They can also be accessed by drilling down in the Aged WIP report and selecting the prebilling report type from the TASKS bar.
Click one of the following Prebilling reports options according to how you want the client’s WIP categorised:
By type—This report is ordered by the task codes that the employees used when entering the timesheets for the client. This is useful when there may be a few people working on the assignments (AE)/jobs (AO).
By employee—This report is ordered by the employee who entered the time for the individual client and then by task code.
By month—This report is ordered by the months in which time was entered for the client. It is useful for practices that bill monthly or to ensure that there is no old WIP on the WIP ledger which should be written off.
By group—This groups parent/child clients to show the total WIP liability for a group of clients.
The WIP enquiry screen displays the total WIP balance and the breakdown of that total by assignment (AE)/job (AO) and task code.
The WIP enquiry page displays the following information for each WIP entry for a client:
- Date
- Employee
- Job
- Code—this tells you whether the item is a time entry, expense, estimate or miscellaneous charge.
- Year
- Units
- Hours
- Charge
- Unbilled WIP
- Status
Each user can re-arrange the columns to display data in their required order and the system will retain their settings the next time they select WIP enquiry.