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Reallocating receipts against client bills

Practice Manager only

Payments should be matched against a bill as part of the receipt process. At times, however, an incorrect allocation may be made which needs to be corrected.

You can reallocate a receipt if the receipt and the two bills involved are for the same client and they are in the same open tax

To reallocate a receipt against a client bill
  1. Access the Debtors Ledger in Ledger mode for the client. See Accessing the debtors ledger.

  2. Ensure that the Show Zero option is selected. All transactions for the selected client are displayed.

  3. Select the receipt that was allocated incorrectly.

  4. Press [Ctrl] and select the bill to which the allocation should have been made. Both the bill and the incorrect receipt should be highlighted.

  5. Click Reallocate. The correct bill is paid and the incorrect bill is unpaid.



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