You can restore any backup that you have made of your database. It is important to be able to restore your database when data corruption occurs due to system crashes, viruses or simply user error.
Restore will not proceed if anyone is logged on to the MYOB application. The Restore feature performs a check on the backed up database to verify that it is a valid and successfully backed up database.
Restore can only be performed on the server not on a workstation.
To restore a backup
Ensure that no one is logged on to MYOB. The Restore feature detects if users are logged on to MYOB and will not proceed.
Select Windows Start menu > MYOBRestore a backup. The MYOB AE/AO — Restore window opens.
Enter the location of the backup file on the Restore from field. or Click the ellipse button to select the location from the Open window. Click OK and the selection is reflected in the Restore from field.
Select the MYOB database that is to be replaced by the backup file. If there is only one database listed then this database will be replaced by the backup file. A Backup Restore message is displayed requesting confirmation of the restore and informing you that all of your current data will be lost during the restore.
Click OK. A MYOB AE/AO — Restore progress window opens showing the progress of the restore. On completion, a message is displayed informing you that the restore has completed successfully.
Click OK.
Click Close. The MYOB AE/AO— Restore window closes.
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