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Restricting access to MYOB Practice via the MYOB Practice icon

The MYOB Practice 

 icon on the toolbar gives you access to MYOB Practice. There may be instances where you may want to restrict access to MYOB Practice for certain practice employee groups or specific databases. Also use the instructions below, if you want to delay the use of MYOB Practice for your practice until a more suitable time.

You’ll need to be an administrator or superuser (AE) on your desktop MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Office to change security task permissions.

To restrict access to MYOB Practice via the MYOB Practice icon

You can only restrict access to MYOB Practice, before you’ve clicked the MYOB Practice 

 icon on your desktop MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Office for the first time.

  1. Log into the MYOB AE/AO database for you wish to restrict access to the MYOB Practice 


  2. Select MaintenanceSecurity > Task Permissions on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance MapSecurity > Task Permissions. The Maintenance Task Permissions page opens.

  3. Select Central from the Product drop-down.

  4. Select the Group (security group) from the drop-down that you want to set up restricted access for. The Group Descriptions assigned to the Group are listed in the panel.

  5. Click MYOB Practice 

     beside the Maintenance Group Description to list the available task permissions. The list expands and displays a checkbox in the Allow column.

  6. Deselect the checkbox in the Allow column for #Set up Online Data.

  7. Click OK to save the changes and close the Maintenance Task Permissions page. The MYOB Practice 

     icon will still be displayed on the toolbar, but if selected, will not allow access to MYOB Practice beyond the Terms of Use.

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