In Practice Manager, you may need to add a new bank account for receipting purposes. This may be necessary after adding a new company which has a separate bank account and allow you to select the bank account during the receipting process.
There are two steps to follow when adding a bank account:
add a nominal code with the bank account details
add/link the nominal code to the appropriate company/companies
To setup a new bank account
Follow the menu path: Maintenance > MaintenanceMap > LedgerMaintenance > NominalCodes.
Select the Nominal Code List tab and in the new record row, enter all the following information: - Nominal Code - Short Name - Description - Nominal Code type: select 'Bank' from the Nominal Code Type field from the drop-down list.
In order to record the Account Number, BSB and Bank, you may need to use the right mouse click to select the Field Chooser and then drag the Bank Account Number, Bank Sort Code (BSB) and the Bank Code fields onto the existing column headers. Click OK to save changes.
To add/link the new bank account to a company/companies
Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes.
Select the Nominal Codes Available for Company tab.
From the Company drop down field select the relevant company. Accounts not in the company selected display under Not in Company.
Highlight the new bank account under Not in Company heading, click the Move Selected to Right [->] icon. The bank account moves to In Company.
Repeat the above steps for all required companies.
Click OK to save changes.
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