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Setting up disbursements and security options in AE

n Acccountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager, it's possible to use disbursements or expenses or both.

To do this, you'll need to set up the DisbursementsOn key in the Configuration settings, then allow users to create and open disbursements by editing their security permissions.


To set the configuration key
  1. From within Practice Manger, follow the menu path Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration.
  2. In the new record row, type DisbursementsOn in the Key Name field, then press TAB on the keyboard.
  3. In the Key Value field type either 0, 1 or 2 as per the below, then press ENTER. and click OK. The change to the configuration settings is saved.

    Key Name
    Key Value
    0Expenses only
    1Disbursements only
    2Disbursements and expenses


    For example:

  4. Users will need to close and reopen AE for the changes to take effect.
To allow users to create/open Disbursement Sheets
  1. Follow the menu path Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Task Permissions.
  2. Select Practice Manager from the Product drop down list. A list of Group Descriptions appears.
  3. Select the Group to which you want to allow access to create disbursements.
  4. Click the plus (
    ) symbol to expand the Group Description with the name Other. The Permissions Description values appear.
  5. Select Allow for [Disbursements][Practice Disbursement Sheet] and/or [Disbursements][Create/Open Disbursement Sheet] and click OK.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each security Group to which you want to allow access to create disbursements.
  7. Users will need to close and reopen AE for the changes to take effect.
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