The following information is relevant only if you have the following version or later installed:
MYOB AE 5.4.7 MYOB AO 2014.1a (Australia) MYOB AO 2014.2a (New Zealand)
If you are using MYOB AE 5.4.6, AO 2014.1 (Australia), or AO 2014.2 (New Zealand), see Knowledge Base article 36720 for details on setting up MYOB Logins for your practice. If you are using MYOB AE 5.4.5, AO 2014.0 (Australia), or AO 2014.1 (New Zealand), see Knowledge Base article 36702 for details on setting up MYOB Logins for your practice.
I am a new MYOB AO user (AO)
Open MYOB AO. The MYOB Login window displays.
Enter your username and password and click Login. The Practice MYOB Settings window opens. See Practice MYOB settings for more information.
You will have the opportunity to enable MYOB Logins for your practice if you have superuser or administrator privileges. You will only need to set your practice up once.
Your practice administrator or superuser is prompted to implement MYOB Logins every time they log in. The Remind me later option on the Setting up MYOB Logins window can be selected by your practice administrator or superuser to postpone the implementation of MYOB Logins until your practice is ready to take up this feature.
When the Remind me later option is selected, another screen opens and displays the number of employees still using a username and password to log in. Your practice administrator or super user acknowledges this and continues logging in.
Open MYOB AE/AO. The MYOB Loginwindow displays.
As you haven’t set up MYOB Logins for your practice, enter your username and password and click Login. The software opens at the (AE) Practice Managerpage or the (AO) Find Clients page. The Set up MYOB Logins window opens. (The image below shows MYOB AE, but the fields are identical for MYOB AO).
All the fields in the Set Up MYOB Loginwindow are mandatory.
If you are a superuser or administrator and have previously entered an MYOB Login, the fields will be automatically filled. Proceed to Step 7.
If you have not previously entered MYOB Login details, all fields are blank for superusers and administrators.
Enter your practice’s MYOB client code.
Enter your MYOB administrator login. You must enter an MYOB login that has administrator access to the practice’s MYOB account. This is usually an email address and is limited to a maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters.
If you are using Client Accounting to integrate with your clients’ AccountRight Live files, clients should be instructed to send all AccountRight Live invitations to this email address. Your clients will need to invite the MYOB login that you have specified here so that their AccountRight Live file(s) can be shared as an administrator. This is required to enable MYOB AE to manage your employee’s access rights to the file.
If you do not have a login with administrator rights, you will need to usemy.MYOBto create a new login or edit an existing one.
Enter the Passwordfor the administrator login.
Click Save & Proceed. Your practice MYOB login details are saved. The system detects how many employees already have a valid MYOB login.
The next Set up MYOB Loginswindow opens informing you of the number of employees who do not have MYOB logins. (The image below is for MYOB AE, but MYOB AO has an identical layout.)
As the practice administrator, you have the option to allow each employee to enter their own MYOB login by selecting theI acknowledge that all employees will need an MYOB Login to access MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Accountants Office checkbox and clickingComplete. Each employee will be prompted with theEdit MYOB Loginwindow when attempting to access MYOB AE. However, this will depend on their allowed task permissions. See Disabling employees from entering their own MYOB Logins.
To continue creating MYOB logins for all employees in your practice, click Set up MYOB Logins for these employees. The next Set up MYOB logins window opens listing all employees in your practice that don't currently have MYOB Logins and that will need to be created or edited.
Select theInclude employee with MYOB logins checkbox to also list all employees who currently have an MYOB login.
Select an employee from the list of employees who does not currently have an MYOB login. The selected employee row is highlighted.
If an employee does not have an existing MYOB login you are able to create one. The employee’s new MYOB login is created and linked to your practice’s MYOB account. The employee will receive an email containing a link to a web page that will help them set up their password for their MYOB account.
If an employee has an existing MYOB login, you are able to enter this and link it to your practice’s MYOB account.
If an employee already has an MYOB login linked to your practice’s MYOB account, simply enter the employee’s MYOB login.
An employee’s MYOB login must be unique within each MYOB database. You cannot have 2 employees with the same MYOB login in the same database. If an employee is required to access 2 different databases within the same practice (i.e., the MYOB Login window provides the choice of which database to access from theDatabasedrop-down), the employee can use the same MYOB login for each database.
Click the Copy list to clipboardhyperlink to copy the listed table of employees and their details to the clipboard where it can be pasted into another document.
Click Continue. Another Set up MYOB Loginwindow opens.
If you have forgotten to add an MYOB login for an employee, you have the opportunity to add an MYOB Login for your employee at this window as well, by clicking Set up MYOB Logins for these employees. Return to Step 9.
SelectI acknowledge that all employees will need an MYOB Login to access MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Accountants Office.
This is a reminder for you to inform your employees to use their MYOB logins to log into MYOB AE/AO.
Click Complete.
You must select theI acknowledge that all employees will need an MYOB Login to access MYOB Accountants Enterprise/Accountants Officecheckbox for the Completebutton to be enabled.
Your practice is now set up to use MYOB logins to access MYOB AE/AO. Your employees should now use their MYOB logins to log in.
To postpone activation of your practice MYOB Logins
Only your practice administrator or superuser can postpone the implementation of MYOB logins for your practice.
Open MYOB AE/AO. The MYOB Loginwindow displays.
As you haven’t set up MYOB logins for your practice, just enter your username and password and click Login. MYOB AE opens at the Practice Manager page, and MYOB AO opens at the Find Clients page. The Set up MYOB Loginswindow opens.
Click Remind me. An information window displays the number of employees still using a user name and password to log into MYOB AE/AO.
Click OK.
Log on as normal.
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