Setting up timesheet authorisation operation modes
Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only
The person with the authority to process timesheets under this mode must be part of the Assignment Team performing work for a client.
To set up a timesheet authorisation operation mode
Select Maintenance > Time Setup > Timesheet Authorisation Mode on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Time Setup > Timesheet Authorisation Mode. The Timesheet Authorisation Mode page opens.
Select one of the options:
This option gives strict control over the authorisation and billing process. Entire timesheets are authorised using the standard submit, authorise and post process and only by an employee with appropriate authorisation rights — based on the line management structure.
Timesheets require authorisation.
Unposted WIP cannot be posted separately.
Project Based Authorisation
Timesheets are posted during billing but only by an employee with rights — based on their role/team responsibility.
Timesheets skip the Submit and Authorise process and move straight to Post so that the time is available for billing. The Submit and Authorise process remains in place but only to capture missing timesheets and required hours.
Entire timesheets still require overall submission, authorisation and posting.
Unposted WIP entries can be posted separately.
The employee posting the WIP must be a member of client/assignment team.
Removal of AuthorisationModel
The Submit and Authorise process is switched off. Any employee can Post a whole timesheet so that time is available for billing.
Timesheets do not require authorisation.
Unposted WIP cannot be posted separately.
Project Based Authorisation, no Authorisation on Timesheet
An employee can Post a line or a whole timesheet at any time. There is no Submit or Authorise process. Once employees have completed their timesheet entries, they click Post.
This is a combination of the Project Based Authorisation and Removal of Authorisation Model.
Timesheets do not require authorisation.
Unposted WIP can be posted separately.
WIP Posted, no Authorisation on Timesheet.
All timesheets are available for billing, immediately when they are added. Posting is available to capture missing hours only.
Timesheets do not require authorisation. Posting of timesheets is for time enforcement purposes only.
All WIP lines are posted and available for billing immediately when added.
Click OK to save and close the Timesheet Authorisation Mode page.
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