Standing orders are template bills used to automatically bill a client on a fixed and regular basis. For example, some clients may want to be billed monthly, while others want quarterly bills to prevent a large bill at the end of a set of work.
The Standing Order page enables you to edit or delete recurring client standing order bills.
To create standing orders, you must use an existing client bill, which has been created as an estimate to complete or miscellaneous charge, in the template that will automatically generate a new bill for the client at a regular interval.
Conditions for standing orders
All time processing periods must exist to cater for recurring invoices that fall on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
A standing order can be created from an estimate to complete or a miscellaneous charge or a bill that includes both.
A standing order cannot be created from a bill that includes any billed out timesheet or disbursement entries (i.e., no billed WIP entries).
A recurring standing order will only be created using an estimate to complete or miscellaneous charge and will not bill out any WIP at all on the client.
A standing order will be triggered by the first person who logs into MYOB AE/AO for the day. This is when MYOB AE/AO will check to see if any standing orders should be created for that day.
Standing orders cannot be posted automatically. This is so that invoices are always available to be reviewed and checked before being posted to the client. You have the option to post in bulk from the Draft Bills page.
If you close a client, MYOB AE/AO will check to see if that client has an existing standing order and display a warning. It will not stop the client from being closed.
The bill template and paragraphs used in the original standing order will be used for all subsequent standing order bills.
The available frequency of standing orders are: daily, weekly, fortnightly, four weekly, monthly, 2 monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly, annual.
Recurring standing orders will check for any changes to the client’s address. The following logic is used:
MYOB AE/AO will check for the Address Type flagged as the Billing Address. If flagged, MYOB AE/AO will use this address.
If the billing address is not selected in the Address Types, MYOB AE/AO will check for the primary address. If available, MYOB AE/AO will use that address.
If both the billing and primary address are not available, MYOB AE/AO will use the address of the original bill.
It is best to always select an address type when creating bills rather than manually entering an address.