The Debtors >Tax Receipts to Print option is used to identify and print tax receipts that are yet to be printed.
Once you have printed the tax receipt successfully, click the Mark asPrinted checkbox to specify that the receipt has printed correctly. This will remove the entry from the Tax Receipts to Print window.
You can always reprint a receipt after it has been marked as printed. See Reprinting a receipt.
To print a tax receipt
Select Debtors >Tax Receipt to Print on the toolbar. The Tax Receipt to Print window opens.
Select the receipts you want to print. You can sort and group the receipts.
Click the Print Document checkbox.
Click OK. The tax receipt(s) for the selected client(s) is/are generated through the Microsoft Word template which has been set up in Maintenance > Maintenance Map (AO) > Documents > Document Styles and printed on the default printer.
Click OK. A Confirmation message is displayed.
Click Yes to confirm the tax receipts are printed or No to cancel.
To mark a tax receipt as printed
Select Debtors > Tax Receipt to Print on the toolbar. The Tax Receipt to Print window opens.
Select each of the receipts that have successfully printed.
Click the Mark as Printed checkbox.
Click OK. The selected tax receipts that have successfully printed are removed from the list on the Tax Receipt to Print window.
When entering a receipt, you can preview the receipt before posting the entry by clicking Preview debtor item on the TASKS bar.
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