The WIP Enquiry page
Selecting the TASKS bar option, WIP enquiry, from the Assignments tab (AE)/Jobs tab (AO) on the client page, opens the WIP Enquiry page for the client. This page gives you the total WIP balance and the breakdown of that total by assignment (AE)/job (AO) and task code.
In MYOB AE, selecting the TASKS bar option, WIP enquiry, from the Assignment Details page opens the Enquiry window. This window only displays the WIP items for the selected assignment.
The WIP Enquiry page displays the following information for each WIP entry for a client:
Code — this tells you whether the item is a time entry, expense, estimate or miscellaneous charge
(AE) Standard Charge
Unbilled WIP
You can add extra fields to the transaction listing by right-clicking the table and selecting Field Chooser. Drag and drop the extra columns to display them on the page. If you are using MYOB AE, see Customising a display table.
The total amounts for the client are displayed in the totals fields at the bottom of the page.
You can organise the WIP transaction list to suit your viewing purposes. You can sort and group the list of transactions.
Click Print on the TASKS bar to open the Print — WIP Enquiry window where you can enter a title for the information and specify print requirements.