Master paragraphs are used in billing to add explanatory text to task codes. They can be set up as options that users can select from a list or they can be inserted as free-form descriptions of an item on the bill.
Like bill templates, master paragraphs are configured by your systems administrator and are a way of customising bills to different client and practice scenarios. Most practices develop their own library of master paragraphs best suited to their billing requirements. Only users with administrator permissions may add and delete master paragraphs.
To set up a new master paragraph
Select Maintenance > Documents >Master Paragraphs on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents >Master Paragraphs. The Master Paragraphs page opens.
Enter the name of the paragraph in the first blank Paragraph Name field at the top of the table.
Press [Enter] to add the Paragraph Name.
Select the Paragraph Name you just added and enter the paragraph text below the Paragraph Name list.
Edit the Paragraph Name and Paragraph Text by overtyping any existing text.
Use the available format options to format the paragraph text.
Click OK. To save the changes and close the Master Paragraphs page.
To delete a master paragraph
Select Maintenance > Documents >Master Paragraphs on the main menu or Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Documents >Master Paragraphs. The Master Paragraphs page opens.
Select the row containing the Master Paragraph you want to delete.
to highlight the entire row.
Press [Delete]. An Important System Information message is displayed requesting confirmation of the deletion.
Click Yes. The Master Paragraph is deleted.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Master Paragraphs page.
To print a master paragraph
Follow the menu path
Reports > Report List > Standing Data > Master Paragraph
Highlight the Master Paragraphs report and click Run.
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