The Billing History by Partner page is used to view a summary of all the posted bills for a specific partner. By default, the list is sorted by bill number. From the Billing History By Partner page you can:
report on the selected bill
preview a bill
sort by columns.
To view a partner’s billing history
Select Billing > Billing History >By Partner on the toolbar. The Billing History By Partner page opens.
Click the ellipse button in the Partner field to search for the partner whose bills you want to view. The Find Partner window opens.
Select a partner. A list of bills are displayed only for that particular partner’s clients.
Select a bill. From here you can:
Click Preview on the TASKS bar to view the selected bill in Microsoft Word. From Microsoft Word the bill can be printed.
Printed bills can be viewed and reprinted from the Bills tab of the relevant Client or Assignment Details page (AE) in the Full Billing History section, if required. If you click a client name in the list, the Bills tab for that client is displayed.
You can refresh the list by clicking Refresh on the TASKS bar.
You can also group bills that are listed on the page.
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