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Working in the To Dos page

Accountants Enterprise only

Within the To Dos page you can open the Client/Contact page associated with a To Do item by double-click the hyperlinked Name in the table.

You can double-click a hyperlinked Subject in the table to open the To Do wizard for the associated To Do item.

From the To Dos page you can:

  • Click To Dos on the toolbar. The To Dos page opens listing all of the To Do items associated with the practice for all contacts.
  • Filter, sort and group the records in the To Do table. See Organising your data.
  • Select a view from the right-click menu except the To Do completed today view.

  • Select the To Dos that have been completed.

  • Click the checkboxes adjacent to To Do item in the first column.

  • Click the Complete button. This is located at the bottom of the To Do table in the left-hand corner. The To Do items are removed from the current view and are listed in the To Do completed today view.

Access the Employee Planner
  1. Click To Dos on the toolbar. The To Dos page opens listing all of the To Do items associated with the practice for all contacts.
  2. Filter, sort and group the records in the To Do table. See Organising your data.
  3. Click the View Planner button. This is located at the bottom of the To Do table in the left-hand corner. The Employee Planner page opens.

Create a timesheet entry
  1. Click To Dos on the toolbar. The To Dos page opens listing all of the To Do items associated with the practice for all contacts.
  2. Filter, sort and group the records in the To Do table. See Organising your data

  3. Click the Create timesheet entry button. This is located at the bottom of the To Do table in the left-hand corner.

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