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MYOB AE/AO release notes—2018.2 (Australia)

Release date—28 March 2019

This is the latest version of MYOB Practice Solutions for:

  • Accountants Enterprise (AE)—MYOB AE 2018.2 (including Tax 6.46 SP5 and Tax 8.30 SP5)
  • Accountants Office (AO)—MYOB AO 2018.2
Check your version numbers


Version number




2018.2 (for a 2018 tax return)

2017.6 (for a 2017 tax return)

Client Accounting

Document Manager

Practice Manager

Tax Homepages

Stat Reporter Formats34
To check your version numbers


  1. Open MYOB AE/AO.

  2. Click Help and select About.

  3. Click Plugins.

  4. Check the version number of individual products.

For AE/AO Tax

  1. Open a tax return.
  2. Click Help and select About.
  3. Check the version number is 2017.6 for a 2017 return and 2018.2 for a 2018 return.


  1. Right-click on C:\program files(x86)\MYOB\SRDAL\SRDAL.exe to view the Properties.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Check the File version is
  • After installing this release, you may see error 'SBR.GEN.AUTH.008' when lodging tax returns or activity statements, or when requesting reports from the ATO. Don't worry! You're seeing this error because the release includes changes to the way you generate your software ID. All you need to do is follow some quick, one-off steps to fix the error and things will work as usual. See KB 35460197 for the fix.
  • If you see Error: "2018/2019 FBT return will not be available in use for Tax 2018...", see FBT— Error: "20xx/20yy FBT return will not be available in use for Tax 20xx..." for the fix.

2019 Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) return

From 1 April 2019, you can lodge your 2019 FBT return via PLS.

If electronic lodgment is unavailable, use the facsimile PDF version of the form to lodge a paper return with the ATO.

ELS end of Life

With the ATO shutting down the Electronic Lodgment System (ELS) for all form types and reports on 31 March 2019, we've made some changes in Tax:

  • We've removed the following:
    • The Lodgment switch in the control record properties.
    • The Agent request form from Lodgment setup and the Agents security tab.
    • The Lodge CP form from the Agent and Control record correspondence preferences window.
    • References to ELS codes from some schedules and print option attributes.
  • For practices who lodge using CloudAuth, we've disabled the Tag for Lodgment and Lodge menus in Tax. If you use CloudAuth lodgment, you must now lodge all forms by PLS in the Lodgment Manager homepage.

For more information, see Working with PLS after ELS has shut down.


We've added a filter for EFT reports to the PLS Reports window.

  • We've published the CPI indexation factor for the December quarter 2018 as 114.1, an increase of 0.4 from the March 2018 quarter. This indexation factor is used solely for FBT purposes concerning remote area benefits (under ss 60 and 60AA of the FBTAA).
  • We've updated fuel tax credit rates to reflect changes as at 04 February 2019.
Resolved issues—MYOB

We’ve made the following changes to resolve some known issues:

  • The offset threshold in the Seniors and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) audit trail is based on the selected SAPTO code, and includes the low income offset of $445 if applicable. We've also changed the taxation estimate.
  • F3 validation displays a new warning when using different SAPTO codes between the taxpayer and their spouse.
  • The T3 Spouse Superannuation contributions offset isn't calculated if the taxpayer or the spouse receiving the contribution is a non-resident.
  • The 2017 year appears in the Prior Year Capital Loss dissection window for the capital gains worksheet.
  • You can view validation reports for activity statements in the PLS Reports window.
  • The GSBP rollover doesn't create a carried-forward balance in the current year when the previous year's closing balance is 0.00.
  • Negative symbols for negative amounts now print for generic schedules created within the rental property schedule.
  • You won't get the following PLS Rejections or validation errors:
    • Form: Activity Statement – Form type R
      Code: CMN.ATO.AS.EM058
      Message: G10 is not valid for the summary of this activity statement. The value reported will be removed from the summary.
      or G11 is not valid for the summary of this activity statement. The value reported will be removed from the summary.
    • Form Individual return
      Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.000213
      Message: All ETP details required
      This message appeared on F3 validation when an Employment Termination Payment (PY) schedule contained a WPN but no ABN. The test has change to check for either a WPN or ABN.
    • Form: Individual return
      Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.023015
      Message: Adjusted taxable income is incorrect
      Adjusted taxable income was being calculated incorrectly for an Individual return with a substituted accounting period and the taxpayer died during the year
    • Form: Partnership return
      Code: V1899B
      Message: Depreciation expenses incorrect. Check and correct. Total of the small business entity simplified depreciation deductions is greater than the amount entered at the Depreciation expenses
      A rounding error in the calculation of depreciation has been rectified. Item 5 was rounding down the depreciation amount whereas item 48 was rounding the same figure upwards
  • AE only
    You won't get the error DZZTC950 not opened in base module when running Batch/Range Step update in Tax Tracking.
  • Integrated Release only
    In Profiles, tax agents and tax contacts integrate to a tax return. They weren't integrating if you had over 10 tax returns, including amendments.
Known issues—MYOB

After installing this release, any grouping that you have saved in your Lodgment Manager homepage will have changed. Change the grouping and click Save homepage to fix it.

Client Accounting
Create PDF option updates
  • We've fixed a conversion issue in the Create PDF process in Workpapers, which would happen when converting Excel files to PDF.
  • The Create PDF process will notify you if there are any issues with converting a document to PDF.
  • If any documents aren't converted when using the Create PDF process, you can see a list of unconverted documents in the Documents not converted to PDF report.
  • You can select unsupported file types in the Create PDF process, to include a complete list of documents in your reports.
  • In addition to supporting the file formats .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx and .msg, the Create PDF process supports .xlsb, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsm and .csv. Excel files printed to PDF include Excel files with macros.
  • The Create PDF option will include any documents that you linked to workpaper templates without using the Document link table in MYOB's standard templates. The linked documents are included in the PDF generated, or in the list of exclusions.
Links in workpapers

For Document Manager and non-Document Manager users.

Also available if you've linked documents to workpaper templates without using the Document link table in MYOB's standard templates.

In a workpaper, you can add a link to a web page.

In the Document links table at the bottom of the workpaper, you'll find a link 

icon. Click the link 
icon to open the Insert hyperlink window and complete the details.

In the Insert hyperlink window:

  • The Description needs to be in English text only.
  • In Url, use the full address. For example, if you're using HTTPS, you'd begin with https:// , not www.

When converting the workpaper to PDF using the Create PDF process, you may notice the URLs are included in the Documents not converted to PDF page. That's because the resources referred to by these URLs don't get converted.

Delete and move document links

We've added some features you may find handy if you've linked documents in workpaper templates. When you attach document links to data entry tables, you can now move and delete the links!

This applies to linked documents in data entry tables in workpapers templates, not in the Document link table in MYOB's standard templates.

When you select a linked document in a table, you'll see:

  • a delete
    button, for deleting a linked document from the data entry table
  • an insert
    button, for inserting and attaching a new linked document
  • a move up
    and a move down
    button, for reordering your linked documents.

Watch this animation to see a demo of how the buttons work.

Click the animation to make it bigger.

Manage in-progress documents

AE and Document Manager only

We've added more options for managing in-progress documents when completing a workpaper period. You can set configuration keys to control what happens if a user tries to complete a workpaper period and in-progress documents are attached from Document Manager:

  • Don't allow the period to be completed.
  • Show a warning. On the warning:
    • Select Yes and you'll continue with completing the period.
    • Select No and a window displays with a list of the in-progress document attached from Document Manager.

    If a user sees this window, they can:

    • Refresh the list
    • select a document from the list and Open document to view the document, or
    • Close the window.
    If a user completes the document, they can continue completing the workpaper period.

New configuration keys

Set the configuration keys that control period completion in Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration.

  • To prevent completing the period if in-progress documents are attached from Document Manager, turn on WorkpapersBlockCompleteThePeriod.
  • To show a warning if in-progress documents are attached from Document Manager, turn on WorkpaperWarningInProgressDocuments.

Both keys are turned off (set to 0) by default. To turn the keys on, change the Key Value to 1.

Bypass the configuration key settings

If you don't want the configuration key settings to apply to some users, you can use a new group task permission in Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions:

#Client #Client Accounting #Workpapers #Allow completing a period with in progress documentation attached

The permission is off by default for all user groups except Superuser.

Statutory Reporter
  • The 5 Year Trend Report displays Other Income before Expenses, based on the information in Non-Transaction Data.
  • For all entity types except Superannuation Fund and Association, we've updated the income tax accounting policy note to print when selected, even if no income tax data exists.
  • For the Superannuation Fund entity type:
    • We've corrected an option in the Independent Auditor's Report. The Basis of qualified opinion paragraph won't display if you select None in Non-Transaction Data.
    • We've updated the member's information statement heading to include the financial year end date.
    • We've updated the dates in the Trustee's Declaration to use the current financial period.
    • There's a new Non-Transaction Data category, Vested benefits note. Instead of pulling from account group totals, vested benefits will pull from information in the Vested benefits note. If you don't enter Non-Transaction Data information, the vested benefit note won't display.
  • For the Association entity type:
    • We've added a Secretary committee member role.
    • We've updated the wording on the committee report to correctly describe the profit/loss for the current year under the Operating result paragraph.
  • For Trust entity types:
    • We've updated the minutes to correctly pull the other address from Non-Transaction Data. When using the other address in the minutes of meetings, the report was duplicating.
    • When the trustee type is set to Individual in Non-Transaction Data, the line The company acts as trustee of... no longer prints in the minutes of meeting.
Account in debtors receipts
AE only

If you have multiple companies with multiple bank accounts, the Account field in the the Debtors Ledger will no longer be greyed out.

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