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MYOB AE/AO release notes—2019.0a (Australia)

Release date—18 July 2019

This is the latest version of MYOB Tax for:

  • Accountants Enterprise (AE)—MYOB AE 2019.0a (including Tax 6.47 SP1 and Tax 8.31 SP1)
  • Accountants Office (AO)—MYOB AO 2019.0a
Checking your version numbers

These are the version numbers you'll be upgraded to after installing the release.

For any prerequisites, check the install guides in the Related topics panel to the right of this page.


Version number




2019.0a (for a 2019 tax return)

2018.3a (for a 2018 tax return)

Tax Homepages

To check your AE/AO Tax version number
  1. Open a tax return.
  2. Click Help and select About.
  3. Check the version number matches the above table.
Low and Middle Income Tax offset (LMITO)

LMITO is now calculated on the new rates.

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Relief So Working Australians Keep More Of Their Money) Act 2019 received Royal Assent on 5 July 2019—Act No. 52 of 2019.

We've removed a few functions that are no longer needed:

  • The control record setting that let you change the rate if the legislation passes.
  • The descriptions in the tax estimate and detailed estimate that indicated which rate is used.
  • The F3 validation warning.

For more information, see 2019 Changes to Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO).

ATO compliance changes

The ATO have removed the following cross-form validation tests between Schedule W and the individual income tax return, to solve rounding issues.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.310132 Work related car expenses amount is incorrect (V172A)
  • CMN.ATO.IITR.310133 Work related travel expenses amount is incorrect (V172B)
  • CMN.ATO.IITR.310134 Work related uniform, occupation specific or protective clothing,... expenses' amount is incorrect (V172C)
  • CMN.ATO.IITR.310135 Other work related expenses amount is incorrect (V172E).

The rounding issues were caused because Schedule W requires a dollar value, while the Deductions schedule requires a dollar and cents value, rounding down to the individual return.

  • Foreign currency exchange rates for the 2019 financial year have been updated. These are rates relating to the average rate for the year ending 30 June 2019, and nearest actual rate as at 30 June 2019. These rates are used in the Foreign rental income schedule (ref) and the Foreign income worksheet (for).

  • Fuel tax credit rates have been updated to reflect changes as at 1 July 2019.

Resolved issues
Schedule W
Validation—Individual return
  • At D6 in the Deductions schedule, entering 0 in Low value pool deductions relating to financial investments or Low value pool deductions relating to rental properties wouldn't let you save unless you entered the full amount in the corresponding field. This caused DDCTNS.000211 on validation.

Other resolved issues
  • Item D4 Work-related Self-education expenses excluded motor vehicle repair expenses in 2019 individual tax returns. For more information, see D4 - Self-education expenses calculating incorrectly in MYOB Tax 2019.0.

  • In the 2019 IDS, the wording in some titles has had a minor change. This is in the titles for Section F (Questions 42 to 44) and Section G (Questions 45 to 51).

  • Some details in Tax Letters were pulling data from the 2018 return (date of birth, bank details and invoice number). If a 2018 return didn't exist, you'd get error "Open Data Source – Word could not merge the main document with the data source because the data records were empty or no data records matched your query options".

    Amount values for 2019 weren't affected.
  • Securities was misspelt when you printed the Capital Gains schedule.

  • Entity was misspelt when you printed the Base rate entity eligibility tests worksheet (bre).

  • Pre-filling the PHI schedule wasn't populating the tax return for period 2. For more information, see EI 2019: Private health insurance policy details not pre-filling into period 2.

  • Updating the 2019 return to a completed status caused the Tax Return tab to incorrectly display returns for all years with the completed status.

Resolved issues for PLS rejections
Client Update (CU) forms

Auskey users: CU forms can be lodged from Tax 2019. This was corrected for CloudAuth users on Monday 9th July.

Individual return
    Message: A field contains invalid data. The value specified for an item does not match the item type & A mandatory field has not been completed.
    The issue was caused when codes that had changed at D3 and D4 rolling from the prior year, and when the return was completed without selecting the new code. The following scenarios have been corrected:
    • D3—Occupation-specific clothing. The hyphen has been removed in 2019.
    • D4—Study has direct connection to skills req'd for current. New picklist in 2019.
    • D5—Connection based on improved inc. potential in current. New picklist in 2019.

    For more information, see EI 2019: CMN.ATO.GEN.XBRL03 & CMN.ATO.GEN.XBRL04.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.730000

    Message: Work related car expenses amount must be provided.

    This error occurred where there was a motor vehicle expenses worksheet (mve) with no amount. In 2019.0a, if there's a mve with no amount, data for that worksheet won't be output. For more information, see EI 2019: CMN.ATO.IITR.730000 - Work related car expenses amount must be provided.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.730001
    Message: Work related car expenses amount is incorrect.
    This error was caused by the rounding up of dollars from the motor vehicle expenses (mve) worksheet. Returns were rejected in any of the following situations:
    • the cents per km multiplied by the number of kilometres equalled a total with cents greater than 49 cents
    • the percentage allocated to a deduction item for the log book method was greater than 49 cents
    • the total of multiple motor vehicles caused rounding issues.

    For more information, see EI 2019: CMN.ATO.IITR.730001 when lodging 2019 Individual Tax returns.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.730304
    Message: Work related travel expenses amount must be provided.

    For more information, see EI 2019: CMN.ATO.IITR.730304 - Work-related travel expenses amount must be provided.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.730208
    Message: Low value pool deductions amount is incorrect.
    There was an issue when a return had a depreciation item integrating to a label other than D6. Opening the depreciation item, or the worksheet that the depreciation item integrated to, added the amount in the low value pool to the Remaining low value pool deductions field at D6 in the Deductions schedule. Opening the Deductions schedule corrected the value.

  • CMN.ATO.IITR.301101

    Message: Estimated total income is incorrect

    This error was caused by having both data manually entered and data pre-filled in the Other income – Category 3 worksheet (oir) at item 24 label R for the First Home Super Saver Scheme.

  • CMN.ATO.DDCTNS.00004

    Message:  Incorrect Car expenses calculation method details provided.

  • CMN.ATO.DDCTNS.00008

    Message: Car expenses logbook details must be provided.

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