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MYOB AE/AO release notes—2019.1 (New Zealand) BETA

Release date—4 July 2019

This is the latest version of MYOB Practice Solutions for:

  • Accountants Enterprise (AE)—MYOB AE 2019.1
  • Accountants Office (AO)—MYOB AO 2019.1
Check your version numbers


Version number



Client Accounting5.4.32.105
Document Manager5.4.32.105
Practice Manager5.4.32.105
Tax Manager5.4.32.105
Statutory Reporter Formats17
To check your Statutory Reporter Formats version number
  1. Open MYOB AE/AO.

  2. On the main menu, go to Maintenance > Maintenance Menu > Client Accounting > Practice Report Settings.

  3. On the Tasks bar, click About.

To check your other version numbers
  1. Open MYOB AE/AO.

  2. Click Help and select About.

  3. Click Plugins to access the version number of individual products.

Client Accounting
New workpaper template

We've added a couple of new workpapers:

  • Imputation credit account to retained earnings reconciliation—Use to identify the tax component of retained earnings and reconcile this amount to the Producing a detailed Imputation Credit Note in Statutory Reporter (NZ) closing balance.
  • Shareholder continuity—Use to record the minimum holding of each shareholder throughout the year, and to check that the company hasn't breached allowances that rely on the holding.

CAT-28435, CAT-28280

Workpaper updates

We've made enhancements and corrections to the following workpapers:

  • Income Tax Expense—You can include dividends received net of imputation credits.
  • Wages reconciliation—We've added shading to the General Ledger Reconciliation fields to make them easier to see.

    • Income Tax Expense—We've added a field to for assessable income that's not included in accounts. For example, taxable foreign investment fund (FIF) income.
  • GST reconciliation—We've corrected calculation errors. The amount of GST payable was being reduced instead of increased.
CAT-28425, CAT-28457, CAT-28430, CAT-29342
Quantity values stored online

Quantity values from workpaper journals are stored in the online ledger, instead of in the local database.

When you post journals with quantity values—for example, when you want to capture sales—they are posted online.

If you view transactions in Workpapers, the View Transactions window displays a Quantity column if there are quantities included.

How it works in 2018 and 2019

When you run a report in the 2019 year, quantity values will come from the online ledger; when you run a report for the 2018 year, quantities come from the offline data table, as they did previously.

Requirements for quantity values to be stored online

Your system will use this functionality when you create a new period, if:

  • your configured ledger is an Essentials Accounting or Connected ledger.

  • all existing full-year periods are completed, or you're not using yearly workpaper periods.

CAT-28661, CAT-28546, CAT-28542, CAT-28542
Prepayments layout

We've enhanced the layout of the Prepayments workpaper.

  • We've positioned the descriptions closer to their associated date selectors, so it's easier to see which date selector the descriptions are referring to.
  • We've removed some unnecessary space in the date selector fields.


Statutory Reporter
New designer feature

We've added an exciting new feature—Statutory Report Designer! It lets you create new reports for your practice.

To use the designer, your client manager will need to help you get set up and organise training for you. These consulting sessions are paid services.

Contact your client manager to find out more.

CAT-29298, CAT-29246, CAT-29382, CAT-29297, CAT-29241

Have the details in the HELP, explaining the nuances of half-year stuff in the crossover of old and new funct. Also can refer to consultants.

Colour-coded changes

Paragraphs are colour-coded to make it easy to tell if they've been edited.

  • Orange indicates a practice-level change.
  • Blue indicates a client-level change. 
  • Black indicates no changes have been made.
Page breaks in farming reports

If you add a page break in a farming report, the page break appears in the section that you selected. Previously it would appear at the top of the report.

Practice report paragraph

We removed the word Accountants from footer paragraphs in practice reports. We found it's not usually needed.

Livestock trading accounts label

In livestock trading accounts, we've updated the label Average to Average price.

Compliance updates

We've made minor compliance updates to financial statements for sole trader, partnership and company entities.

For all three entities, we've updated a paragraph in the sale of goods section.

For partnerships we also now display paragraphs previously missing from the revenue and other income section.

CAT-29355, CAT-29357, CAT-29386
Tax Manager

We've made more changes to receiving Inland Revenue (IR) data from the Transactions data services (TDS) instead of Tax agent web service (TAWS).

Bulk agency file refresh updates
  • IR generates a weekly summary file containing the data sent over the past week in the daily TDS files. IR generates the summary file on Saturday nights and it's available for you to download on Sundays.
    The summary file doesn't include any additional data that wasn't already in the daily files.

Not available in beta:

  • The bulk refresh has an auto reconciliation function that fixes any issues it encounters. Previously, the auto reconciliation wasn't always being run when there was an issue. We've updated the auto reconciliation to always run at the end of manual and scheduled bulk refreshes.
  • We've ensured that IR data from bulk or client refreshes is allocated to the appropriate entity. Consolidated companies are linked in myIR under a nominated company number, which may have a different IRD number.

After linking a client list in Maintain Agencies, the E-File IRD number and Client list number fields are unavailable.

Not available in beta:

Reversal transactions for payments and transfers

Reversal transactions for payments and transfers are included in the Paid amounts displayed on the summary view for provisional and terminal tax payments, and on tax notices.

Fix for client not linked message

We've fixed an issue that was causing a message to be displayed about the client not being linked. This was happening because of a TAWS student loan function for individual entities being applied to all clients.


Working for families tax credit payments that you receive are now treated as an assessment. These were previously displayed in the assessments view immediately, but now display after the income tax return has been assessed for the year.

Not available in beta:


The balance month alert only displays when the balance month you select is different to the month received from IR. The alert was sometimes displaying when the correct month was selected. 

IRD Balance

We've ensured the amount displayed in the Find Tax Clients > IRD Balance column is correct.

Not available in beta:

Estimates form

We've removed the link to the IR provisional estimates form from the Tasks bar. The form's no longer available from IR. To submit an estimate for your clients, you now need to log in to myIR.

Document Manager

No Document Manager changes in this release.

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