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MYOB AE/AO release notes—2023.1 (New Zealand)

Release date—12 July 2023

We've fixed some client accounting issues in this release.

Client accounting

Statutory Reporter

Minutes of trust

  • The spacing in the Capital Distribution paragraph has been updated.
  • We've added a new minute for No income distribution.

Annual General Meeting

  • Spelling error corrected on Special purpose financial statements paragraph.


  • We've updated the Footer and Footer notes to include the following wording These financial statements have been compiled without undertaking an audit engagement or review engagement.


  • In the Imputation Credit to Retained Earnings workpaper, the (Profit)/Loss field is deducting depreciation twice from the profit amount.
    This happens when there are duplicated account codes within one account group folder, which is used to calculate the (Profit)/Loss field. This is now fixed.

Resolved issues

  • Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object when rolling over a workpaper from 2022 to 2023. This is now fixed.
Changes to your SQL sa password

If you haven't changed the default password set by MYOB for sa username in SQL, you'll be prompted to change the password. Previously, this prompt was shown when installing the 5.4.46 release

Changing the password can be done during the installation of this release or you can run the utility manually later.

For more information, see Changing the default password for 'sa' username in SQL

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