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MYOB AE Assets release notes and install guide—2.4.9 (Australia)

Release date: August 2024

Release notes

This release updates the small business instant write-off threshold to $20,000 which is now law.

Install guide

Read through this install guide before you start installing the update. It will help you plan the tasks required.

  1. Back up your data.

  2. Ensure everyone's logged out of all MYOB programs.

  3. Check that your computer meets the system requirements.

  4. Disable your virus checker.

  5. Check where your system release is installed. You’ll need this during the install process. If you’re not sure how to check, see KB 28712: How do I determine the Sol64 or Tax folder location?

To install AE Assets 2.4.9

Each workstation that is currently running MYOB AE Assets must be upgraded to MYOB AE Assets Version 2.4.8. If you have MYOB AE Assets on a terminal server use, Add/Remove Programs to upgrade to MYOB AE Assets Version 2.4.9.

The MYOB AE Assets 2.4.9 installer will recognise if you have an existing version of MYOB AE Assets installed on your system. The installer will uninstall the previous version and install MYOB AE Assets 2.4.9.

If you are installing MYOB AE Assets for the very first time, MYOB AE Assets 2.4.9 is all you need to install.

To upgrade to MYOB AE Assets Version 2.4.9 from an existing version

  1. Download the .exe file from my.MYOB.

  2. Double-click the download file. The Licence Agreement window opens.

  3. Read the licence agreement.

  4. Click Yes to agree with all the terms of the licence agreement.

  5. Click OK. The previous version of MYOB AE Assets is uninstalled and the Warning: Have you backed up your Data? window opens.

  6. If you have backed up your data, click Yes. The System Release Directory window opens.

  7. If you haven't backed up your data:

    1. Click Cancel to exit the installation.

    2. Back up your data.

    3. Restart this procedure.

  8. Specify where System Release is installed that you’ve confirmed from the pre-requisites.
    You must specify all locations of System Release.


    1. Click Add. The Browse For Folder window opens.

    2. Browse your computer for the location of System Release.

    3. Click OK.

  9. Click Next. The Destination Directory window opens.

  10. Accept the default directory.

  11. Click Next. The Installation Summary window opens.

  12. Review the selected current settings for the installation and, if you need to make any changes, click Back to go to the appropriate window and make your changes before proceeding.

  13. To begin the installation, click Next. MYOB AE Assets version 2.4.9 is installed on your computer. The Installation Complete! window opens.

  14. Click Finish.


Check your version number 

  1. Open MYOB AE Assets.

  2. Click Help and select About MYOB AE Assets.

  3. Check that the version is 2.4.9.

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