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MYOB AE Reporter release notes and install guide—3.5.3 (New Zealand)

Release date—5 May 2020 

Release notes 

Installing this release will install new and updated report formats. To update your practice and client masters, you can either copy from these new master versions, or manually update your own practice and client versions using the information provided about each report format change included below. Masters is now version 3.5.300.

Roll forward

We've rolled forward the Reporter Masters right up to 2023. This means if there aren't any format changes between now and 2023 you can roll forward without waiting for a new release.

New insolvency note

A new Insolvency note is now available for companies. It will print if your liabilities exceed your assets.
Alternatively, to force the note on:

  1. Go to Non-transaction data > Notes > Print Control > Insolvency.
  2. Select Yes for the insolvency note.

    This will only print the note heading.

To type details for the note:

  1. Go to Non-transaction data > Notes > Contents > Insolvency.
  2. Select the insolvency note
  3. Type the details in the text box.
Compilation report changes

The paragraph for the Departure from Framework is no longer required.

In the compilation report format, rows 24-27 are set to False so they no longer print.

If you have the compilation report at practice or client level, you must change rows 24-27 to False. This is because this update won't overwrite anything you've got at a practice or client level.

Notes - distributions changes

In the format Notes - Distributions we've added the highlighted text to the paragraph

Install guide

Read through this installation guide before you begin installing this update. It will help you plan the tasks required.

  • Make sure everyone's logged out of all MYOB programs.
  • Check that your computer meets the system requirements.
  • Disable your virus checker.
  • Check that you meet the prerequisite version numbers for installing this release:
    • Version: 3.5
    • Masters: 3.5.100 (recommended).

    If you've got an earlier Version than 3.5, upgrade to 3.5.

    If you've got an earlier Masters version than 3.5.100, you can still install this release. Read the release notes that came after your version, so that you're aware of any changes.

    You can download previous versions and their release notes from my.MYOB.

    To check your version numbers
    1. Open MYOB AE Reporter.
    2. On the menu bar, click Help and select About MYOB AE Reporter.

  • Copy the .nrw files from your SOL64 folder to a temporary location as a backup.
File nameLocation\Sol64\Reporter\Modified\Sol64\Reporter\Master
Install AE Reporter

You'll need to be on the server to install this update.

  1. Log in to my.MYOB and go to My Products > Downloads.
  2. Select MYOB Reporter from the drop-down.
  3. Select MYOB AE Reporter 3.5.300 - Install and download the file to your server.
  4. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation. The installation wizard Welcome window appears.
  5. Select To continue, ensure the Release Notes have been read... and click Next. The Licence Agreement appears.

  6. Review the licence agreement, click Yes to accept, and click Next. The backup reminder window appears.

  7. Make sure you've backed up your data, and click Yes. The Destination Directories window appears.
  8. We recommend that you accept the default destination folder. If you want to change the default folders, click Browse and navigate to the required folder and click Next. The Ready to Install window appears.
  9. Click Install. When the installation is complete, the Installation Complete window appears.
  10. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Post installation
Check your version numbers

To confirm if your upgrade is successful, check your Reporter version number.

  1. Open MYOB AE Reporter.
  2. Click Help and select About MYOB AE Reporter.
  3. Confirm that your Version is 3.5 and Masters is 3.5.300 (only the Masters version will be changed after upgrade).
Rollover the practice Masters

Rollover the practice Masters to 2021:

  1. Open a MAS ledger with a year ending 2020.
  2. From the Client Ledger window, go to Reports > Reporter and select Design Practice Reports.
  3. Go to Tools > Roll Forward.
  4. Select Yes at the message - Do you wish to roll forward to 2021?
  5. If the rollover is successful, the Reporter Year is 2021. This is displayed at the bottom right-hand side of your window.

You can roll all the way to 2023 now, however we recommend you wait until next year to roll to 2022.
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