MYOB AO Classic Payroll release notes—21.0.1 (New Zealand)
11 March 2019
This release contains payroll compliance updates for the 2019–2020 financial year, introduces Payday filing, and improves support for the Holidays Act legislation.
Our release notes have had a makeover! Click the arrows to read the information in each section.
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Start MYOB AO Classic.
Select Help > About.
Check that the MYOB AO Classic version is 21.0.1.
Press CTRL+R.
Check that the MYOB AO Payroll build is 2019.1.106.
Compliance changes
ACC rates and thresholds
The following changes to ACC come into effect on 1 April 2019:
ACC earner levy rate
ACC income maximum
Maximum ACC earner levy
Student loan thresholds
We've updated the student loan thresholds for the 2019–2020 financial year. The new thresholds are:
We've made the following changes to KiwiSaver:
From 1 April 2019, the contribution rates are 6% and 10%
Employees over the age of 65 can opt in to KiwiSaver from 1 July 2019.
PDF updates
We've updated the PDF driver used by MYOB Payroll to a newer version.
We've addressed an issue where you could preview an EI return in PDF format but couldn't print it.
Leave changes
We've made changes to improve support of the Holiday Act and work processes around an employee's leave:
We've updated several topics related to leave in the help file. The changes include:
more information on an employee's leave entitlements
how to set up employees working variable hours.
We've added a normal work pattern section to the Employee Holiday Update Audit report. This section shows an employee’s normal hours per day and normal hours per week. There's also a note providing information on employees who work variable hours.
When you edit an employee’s ordinary weekly pay (OWP), the values for the 4-week average calculation are automatically filled in.
If you click OK when OWP calculates as $0.00 when based on the employee’s normal pay rate or pay defaults, you can choose to calculate OWP using the four-week average instead.
If the ordinary time rate is higher than the average daily pay, you'll see a warning message when you use the average daily pay calculation for an employee’s relevant daily pay.
Payday filing
Payday filing is a new way of reporting employee pay details to the IRD. It's compulsory from 1 April 2019. See switching to payday filing on the IRD website for more information.
Previously, you'd send an Employer Monthly Schedule (IR348) to the IRD every month.
For payday filing, you'll generate and send an Employment Information (EI) return file for every pay run. The EI has the same information as the IR348, as well as ESCT amounts for each employee and dates for the pay run. Information about new and departing employees is also sent to the IRD in an employee details file.
Payday filing setting
We've added new payday filing settings to the Bank & IRD tab in the Payroll Options window:
Before using PayDay filing:
Enter the path where you'll save the EI return files.
If you have a PAYE Intermediary IRD number, enter the number.
If you want to Automatically create the Payday files after finalising the pay, select the checkbox.
Creating EI return files for payday filing
Automatically create the payday files after finalising the pay checkbox
If you've selected this checkbox, we'll create an EI return file. We'll also create an Employee Details file if any employees started work or left work during the pay period. After this, you're prompted to open a browser window to the myIR website, where you can log in and upload the files.
If you don't select the checkbox, you'll have to manually create return files Employer Information Return window (see below).
We've added a new field Physical Payment Date to the Finalise Pay window. This is the date that employees will receive their pay. You must include this date in the EI return file
Managing EI return files
We've created a new Employment Information (EI) Returns window. You can access it from the Process Pays command centre. This window allows you to:
preview and create return files for payday filing
re-create files for payruns.
The window displays:
all finalised pays between your selected dates
file names of created return files
the number of new or departing employees in the New/Departing Details column.
To manually create or re-create return files for a payrun, select the payrunandclickEI Return or New and Departing Employee Details under Create.
If a pay run doesn't have any new or departing employees, we'll disable the New and Departing Employee Details button.
After you've created the files, you're given the option of opening a browser window to the myIR website, where you can log in and upload the file.
To preview return files for a pay, select the pay and click EI Return or New and Departing Employee Details under Preview. We'll generate and display a PDF report containing the information in each file.
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