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MYOB AO Classic release notes and install guide—22.0.0b (New Zealand)

Release date—3 June 2019

Release notes


We've corrected the following issues:

  • Error "13/Alias '00003RX00DA' is not found" was displayed when you updated tax manager.
  • E-File and residential land withholding tax (RLWT) correspondences were displaying the incorrect year. We've corrected this for 2018 and 2019.
  • AO with Tax Manager only: In some circumstances, transfers from another return were duplicated on the tax payment summary, causing the provisional tax payable amount to be understated.

Install guide

Read through this install guide before you start installing the update. It will help you plan the tasks required.


General preparations

  1. Ensure you have version 21.0.0 or later installed on your network or standalone computer.
  2. Ensure everyone's logged out of all MYOB programs.
  3. Check that your computer meets the system requirements.
  4. Disable your virus checker.
  5. Back up your data, see Backing up my AO Classic data.
To install AO Classic

Download the MYOB AO Classic 22.0.0b – Update file from my.MYOB.

If you're installing from:

  • a Windows 8 workstation
  • the server from a Windows 8 workstation
  • a Windows 8 workstation running terminal server
    Turn off User Accounts Control (UAC) on the workstation before installing. You'll find the UAC in the Control Panel. Turn UAC on again after the installation is complete.

If you have any issues in Windows 10, turn off UAC. See Disabling User Account Control (UAC).

Follow the relevant instructions for network installation, standalone installation or terminal server installation:

Network installation

To update your network installation, you must complete the following three tasks in order:

Task 1—install the update on the server from a workstation

You must install the update on your server before you install it on workstations.

Before you begin, ensure all users are logged out of all MYOB programs.

  1. Log on to the workstation that has AO Classic installed. If your computer has security rights enabled, log on as Administrator and check that everyone on your network has closed all MYOB programs.

    Don't open any MYOB programs on any workstation during installation. Wait until the install has finished before opening MYOB programs.

  2. Browse to the location where you downloaded the update file and run the .exe. The InstallShield wizard window opens.

  3. Review the release notes from the link.
  4. Click OK to start the installation. You'll see the message "Setup will now update your MYOB Accountants Office files".
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. When the installation completes, open AO Classic on this workstation to complete the update of the database tables.
  8. Continue to Task 2—reindex your databases.
Task 2—reindex your databases

You must reindex your databases before you can use MYOB AO Classic.

  1. Log on to a workstation that has MYOB AO Classic installed. If your computer has security rights enabled, log on as Administrator.
  2. Start MYOB AO Classic.
  3. Select File > Housekeeping > Reindex Databases. The Select Modules window opens.
  4. Click Select All.

    Select the Remove records flagged for deletion checkbox. This permanently deletes records from your database.

  5. Click OK. When the reindexing finishes, the MYOB AO Classic window reopens.

    We recommend that you reindex your databases each month. This will remove errors and help to improve your database performance.

  6. Continue to Task 3—update workstations.
Task 3—update workstations

After you have installed the update on your server:

  1. Log on to a workstation that has MYOB AO Classic installed. If your computer has security rights enabled, log on as Administrator.

    Don't open any MYOB programs on other workstations during installation. If you do, you could corrupt your data files.
    The update requires exclusive access to your data files.
  2. Disable any anti-virus programs that are operating on the workstation.
  3. Select Start > All Programs > MYOB > Update Accountants Office. The InstallShield wizard window opens.

    If you see an Open File Security or User Account Control warning message, click Run or Allow.

  4. Click OK. The update to the MYOB AO Classic files begins.
  5. Repeat these steps on all workstations using MYOB AO Classic.

    To save time, after you start running the InstallShield update on one workstation, repeat these steps on the next workstation. You don't have to wait for one update to finish before moving on to the next workstation.
Standalone installation

Install the update on a standalone computer:

  1. Log on to your computer. If your computer has security rights enabled, log on as Administrator and check that everyone on your network has closed all MYOB programs.

    Don't open any MYOB programs on any workstation during installation. Wait until the install has finished before opening MYOB programs.

  2. Locate and run the .exe install file. The installation files are extracted and the InstallShield wizard window opens.

  3. Click OK to begin the installation.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Review the release notes from the link.
  6. Click Install AO Classic to run the installer.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Reindex your databases:
    1. Start MYOB AO Classic.
    2. Select File > Housekeeping > Reindex Databases. The Select Modules window opens.
    3. Click Select All.

      We recommend that you select the Remove records flagged for deletion checkbox. This permanently deletes records from your database.

  9. Click OK. When the reindexing finishes, the MYOB AO Classic window reopens.

We recommend that you reindex your databases each month. This will remove errors and help to improve your database performance.

Terminal server installation

The following instructions apply to running the terminal server setup from the MYOB AO Classic browser.

  1. Log on to the terminal server computer. If your computer has security rights enabled, log on as Administrator and check that everyone on your network has closed AO Classic.

    Don't open any MYOB programs on any workstation during installation. Wait until the install has finished before opening MYOB programs.

  2. Locate and run the .exe install file. The installation files are extracted and the InstallShield wizard window opens.

  3. Click OK to begin the installation.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review the release notes from the link.
  6. Click Install AO Classic to run the installer.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Reindex your databases:
    1. Start MYOB AO Classic
    2. Select File > Housekeeping > Reindex Databases. The Select Modules window opens.
    3. Click Select All.

      We recommend that you select the Remove records flagged for deletion checkbox. This permanently deletes records from your database.
  9. Click OK. When the reindexing finishes, the MYOB AO Classic window reopens.

We recommend that you reindex your databases each month. This will remove errors and help to improve your database performance.
Check your version number
  1. Start MYOB AO Classic.
  2. Select Help > About.
  3. Check that MYOB AO Classic version number is 22.0.0b.

Here are some things you can try if you experience issues when installing the update:

  • In the Device Manager tab (right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager), check there are no yellow exclamation marks. Resolve conflicts before proceeding.
  • Check the font size is normal (right-click on the Start menu and select Settings).
  • Check drive mapping. All workstations should use the same drive letter to access the MYOB folder on the server, for example, F:\ drive.
  • Log on with administrator privileges on every computer you're updating.
  • If you get an error when the *.OCX files are being installed, click OK and start the installation again.
  • Try updating manually. In Windows Explorer, select the X:\MYOBAO folder (where X is the mapped network drive), and double-click setup.exe.

For more help, search our online Knowledge Base. Select Accountants Office Classic in the drop-down and enter your question.

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