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MYOB AO install guide—5.4.50/2023.3 SP3 (Australia)

Release date—April 2024


General preparations
  1. You'll need to have MYOB AO 2023.0 installed.

  2. Check that your computer meets the system requirements.

  3. Ensure that you have MYOB Logins configured for your practice. See Logging into MYOB AO.

  4. Backing up the MYOB AE or AO database data, using Maintenance > Backup > Back Up Now (if you're upgrading MYOB AO).

  5. Make sure you understand how your system is configured. You need to know if you are installing on a:

    • Standalone computer or Terminal Server network

    • Client Server network or Peer to Peer network
      See What is my system setup? if you are unsure of your system setup.

  6. For information on the new registry setting, see What is Enable Linked Connections?

  7. Disable your anti-virus / malware program before running the install.

  8. Ensure your regional settings for format and location are set to Australia or New Zealand (depending on your location).

  9. Make sure that you have internet access.

  10. Allow sufficient time for installation. It may take more than an hour to complete.

  11. To ensure that your database is upgraded correctly, you MUST reboot the computer which has your existing MYOB AO database.

  12. Make sure that your Windows login has administrator rights when performing the installation.

  13. The installer requires a minimum of 4GB of free disk space on the local disk of your server.

Upgrading Accountants Office

Main installation

You must run the installation on the computer that will store your MYOB AO database. If you have a network this is usually your server. See What is my system setup? for more information on your system setup.

  1. Download the MYOB AO 2023.3 Lite Install file from my.MYOB.

  2. Exit all programs and reboot the computer you are going to install MYOB AO on to ensure a clean environment.

  3. Log on to the computer as the administrator.

  4. Select the region that applies to you so the correct software for your region is installed and click Next. The Welcome - Licence Agreement window opens.

    At the bottom of the installer screen there are links to the Release Notes.

  5. Read the Licence Agreement carefully, select I have read and accept the licence agreement then click Next.

  6. Click Upgrade now to start the installation.

    The installation may take more than an hour to complete. Ensure that you have allocated enough time for the installation.

  7. When the MYOB AO installation is complete, click Finish.

    If you’re using a proxy server you don’t need to change the ClientFrameWork.exe.config file in the server Deploy folder see Proxy Server Information.

  8. If you are prompted to restart your computer, make sure the Restart now checkbox is selected before clicking Finish.

    Restarting each computer after completing the installation will help to avoid any issues using your MYOB software. See What is Enable Linked Connections and Open File - Security Warning for more information.

  9. If you disabled your anti-virus/malware programs before you installed MYOB AO, re-enable it before continuing.

  10. If you have a network setup and you are running MYOB AO on more than one computer, perform a Workstation installation to update the local deploy folder.

Instructions on how to log into MYOB AO are launched in a browser window or see Logging into MYOB AO.

Workstation installation

An upgrade can either be done by Auto update when you open MYOB AO or you can run a Manual update.

There are changes to workstation installations as part of this release, refer to workstation install changes for further information.

If you see this screen, automatic workstation updates have been disabled for your practice, so you should run a Manual update on your workstation.

Auto update

If you see this screen when you open MYOB AO, automatic workstation updates are enabled at your practice:

Click Yes to update your workstation automatically.

Click No and you will need to run a Manual update (see below).

Manual update

The workstation updates for all MYOB AO products are combined into one file for this installer. The file is located at \MYOBAO\AOSQL\WorkstationInstall\setup.exe.

After the server installation, a manual workstation update should be performed on all workstations that you want to have access to the latest MYOB AO products, in the following instances:

  • if you’re installing MYOB AO on a new workstation for the first time.

  • if the workstation link is not operational.

  • if the automatic update can’t proceed and you’re prompted to run a manual install.


  1. Ensure that you have read the information in General preparations.

  2. Log into the workstation as administrator.

  3. Navigate to \MYOBAO\AOSQL\WorkstationInstall\setup.exe on your server or computer where the server installation was performed.

  4. Double-click setup.exe. The Licence Agreement window opens.

  5. Read and accept the Licence Agreement by selecting the I have read and accept the licence agreement checkbox.

  6. Click Next. The Ready to Install window opens.

  7. Click Install Now. The Installation Progress window opens.

    If you receive the message, If you receive an “Open file security” warning message when opening MYOB Accountants Office Workstation, it is recommended that you restart your computer, click OK.

  8. On completion, the Installation Complete window opens.

  9. Click Finish. The workstation installation is complete.

If you're licensed for Corporate Compliance, see the steps below:

Corporate Compliance installation

If you use Corporate Compliance integrated with Practice Manager, you can upgrade Corporate Compliance using this combined installer.

If you use Corporate Compliance as a standalone version and not integrated with Practice Manager, use the standalone installer available on my.MYOB.

Once the main installation of MYOB AO is complete, the post-installation configuration of Corporate Compliance starts automatically. You’ll be prompted for the location of the:

  • electronic lodgment files

  • backup files.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.


Check your version numbers

Checking the version numbers

  1. Open MYOB AO.

  2. Select Help > About from the menu bar.
    The install version should be 2023.3
    The version number should be

  3. Click the Plugins button to access the version number of individual products.


Version Number

AO Tax

2023.3 (for a 2023 tax return)

2022.7 (for a 2022 tax return)

Client Accounting

Practice Manager

Document Manager

Statutory Reporter Formats

Definition version 51

(AU) Tax Homepages

Check Statutory reporter formats

  1. Open MYOB AO.

  2. Click MaintenanceMaintenance MapClient Accounting > Practice Report Settings. The Practice Report Settings page opens.

  3. Click About on the Tasks bar. The About Statutory Reporter dialog lists the Report Definition version number.

  4. Click OK. The About Statutory Reporter dialog closes.

If you are prompted, reboot your computer after completing the installation to avoid any issues using your MYOB software. See What is Enable Linked Connections?  and Open File - Security Warning for more information.

If you have Client Accounting

If you have updated XML mappings for customised CSV imports, you may need to verify and migrate your XML mappings after the upgrade.

Once the upgrade is complete, a number of files are created in your MYOB installation:

File name




This system file contains the MYOB default settings for CSV import. Do not modify this file.

Located in <MYOB directo-ry>\CENTRAL\Deploy.


This file is a new mapping XML file that contains user-defined XML mappings.

Any values in this file will override the system defaults.

You can modify this file if you wish to add any new mappings or value map sections.

Standalone installation:

<MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates

Combined installation:

AE—C:\MYOBAE\AESQL\Client Accounting Templates

AO—C:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Client Accounting Templates


This file is a backup of the file previously located in the CENTRAL\Deploy folder before performing the upgrade.

<MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates

If you made changes to MyobCsvMaps.xml before the upgrade, MYOB will back up this file to the folder <MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates.

You can open this file and manually copy over any custom mappings to a new Map in the MyobCsvMaps-User.xml file, which is located in the folder indicated in the table above.

After you have copied your changes, you may delete MyobCsvMaps.xml if you wish. Any future updates should be made in MyobCsvMaps-User.xml.

Restart the server

Wherever possible it is a good idea to restart the server after the installation is complete. This will also restart any MYOB services for the PLS.

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