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NZ Tax Manager Transaction Data Service (TDS) status

All times shown below are NZST.

Status at 16/01/2020 11:44am

Inland Revenue have advised that no TDS files were sent today due to technical issues.

Today's files will be processed together with tomorrow's files.

In the meantime, you can retrieve data for an individual client by Refreshing the IRD data download. Refreshing for all clients, instead of individually, won't work due to the technical issue.

Previous updates


Status at 06/08/2019 10:10am

Inland Revenue have advised there's a delay in processing the TDS files for today.

If your scheduled download occurs in the morning, there will have been no files to collect.

We will advise once the files are ready to collect. You can then either run a manual download or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.


Status at 23/07/2019 10:35am

We received all TDS files by 10.35am.

If your scheduled download was set to run earlier, you can either run a manual download or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.

Status at 23/07/2019 10:02am

Inland Revenue have advised there's a delay in processing the TDS files for today.

If you have your scheduled download to occur in the morning, there will have been no files to collect.

We will advise once the files are ready to collect, and you can either run a manual download or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.


Status at 16/07/2019 1:50pm

Issue resolved. You should now be able to collect your TDS files. If your scheduled download was set to run earlier, you can either run a manual download or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.

Status at 16/07/2019 9:45am

Issue with processing TDS files from Inland Revenue (IR). We apologise for the inconvenience, we’re looking into the cause right now and we realise how important it is to resolve it as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience.

Status at 01/07/2019 2:15pm

Issue resolved - you should now be able to link your agency for TDS, perform a client refresh or retrieve client list without error.

Status at 01/07/2019 7:27am

Due to an issue with Inland Revenue (IR), you may receive the message "…the agency has not responded yet" when linking your agency for TDS, performing a client refresh or retrieve client list. Collection of your bulk files should be unaffected.


Status at 27/06/2019 10:02am

We received the TDS files at 10.02am. If your scheduled download was set to run earlier, you can either run a manual download or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.

Status at 27/06/2019 8:00am

Inland Revenue (IR) have advised there's a delay in processing the TDS files for today.

If you have your scheduled download to occur in the morning, there will have been no files to collect.

You can either run a manual download anytime from 11.00am or wait for your next scheduled download the following day.


Status at 23/05/2019 2:00pm

You can now download TDS data between 3.00am and 9.00pm. 

If you previously changed your scheduled download time to be between the restricted hours, you can now reschedule to another time between 3.00am to 9.00pm if you prefer.


Status at 15/05/2019 12:15pm

We've now received TDS data from Inland Revenue (IR).

For now, the TDS bulk data is only available between 11.30am and 6.00pm NZT. During these hours, run a scheduled or manual bulk refresh.


Status at 14/05/2019 12:52pm

Due to IRD technical difficulties, we're currently unable to receive TDS data. We understand this is really annoying and apologise for the inconvenience. We're working with the IRD to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

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