The default setting in MYOB Accountants Enterprise (MYOB AE) is to allow all employees access to all MYOB AE features. In the Configuration module you can amend which features are restricted and add, delete or change the employee groups and members. This allows you to restrict access to modules or menus for a limited group of employees.
The first step in setting security within MYOB AE is to create security groups then allocate employees to those security groups. Once the security groups are established, you can add restricted features, allocating to them one or more security groups.
To create a security group
The instructions below use the example of setting up a new group called Administrators and adding the employee John Citizen to this group.
At your Windows desktop, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Compliance Management. The Configuration screen appears.
Double-click the Security Features icon. The Security Settings screen appears.
Click Groups. The Security Groups screen appears.
Click New. The New Group screen appears.
Type Administrators in the Group Name field and click OK. The Security Groups screen appears.
Select Administrators from the drop-down list. All employee names appear in the Non Members field.
Select John Citizen and click Add>. The name John Citizen appears in the Members field.
Repeat step 7 for any other employee that is to be a member of the Administrator group.
To create the Restricted group
The instructions below use the example of adding security to the feature System Security, giving access to the Administrator group.
At your Windows desktop, and follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Compliance Management. The Configuration screen appears.
Double-click the Security Features icon. The Security Settings screen appears.
Click Add. The List of Features screen appears.
Select System Security and click OK. System Security appears in the Restricted Features field.
Select Administrators from the Available Groups and click Add>. Administrators appears in the Allow Access To field.
Repeat step 5 for to add additional groups, if applicable. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to add additional restricted features, if applicable.
Security can also be added to contacts and attributes.