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Address change in AE not flowing into Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 37752

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise when adding or amending an address you may find that the corresponding Corporate Compliance record is not updated.
This Knowledge Base article outlines the possible causes and their resolutions.

There are four (4) common causes of why the address does not flow through from AE/AO into CC. 

CC was open when AE/AO was updated and the sync has not occured

If CC is open while the change is done in AE/AO, you should force a synchronisation to bring the information into CC. To force a synchronisation between the AE/AO and CC databases, perform the following steps in Corporate Compliance.

  1. Select Tools > Update from AE/AO. The Update from AE/AO dialogue window opens with the question "This Operation may take some time depending on the size of your AE/AO database. Do you wish to continue?"
  2. Select Yes. The synchronisation commences.
The AE/AO and CC record are not linked

Open the person or corporation record in CC and note whether the following error occurs "Import Contact Error. The contact may have been removed from the AE/AO database

This error can occur when:

  • The contact may have been removed from the AE/AO database and/or
  • The CC record is not linked to an AE/AO record.

To resolve this issue you need to use the Contact Integration Manager (CIM) program on the CC Server to link the two records.

For details on how to use the CIM program, refer to the Library folder located on the CC 3.1 installation file.  This may be stored on your network.  Alternatively, instructions are available for the my.MYOB Product Downloads page, Australia or New Zealand. 
The AE/AO and CC records are not linked

Perform the following steps in AE or AO:

  1. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Corporate Compliance > Settings. The Corporate Compliance Settings window appears.
  2. Click Data mapping tab. The Data Mapping contents appears.
  3. Take note of the AE/AO Address Types Mappings that are to be used. For example, Postal address, Home Address.
  4. Check within the AE/AO client records to ensure the same address types are being used as noted in Step 3. 
  5. Amend the client record if the address types used are not the same 
The link between the AE/AO and CC records is not as expected
Sometimes you might find that due to duplicate records in AE/AO or CC, that the contact or client in AE/AO is linked to the wrong record in CC.  Review the AE/AO records for duplications. 

To review the list of both contacts and clients, click on the down arrow under the Contacts icon > select Contacts in AE/AO.  This will list all contacts and clients combined. Perform a search for the record to see if you get two entries.  If there is a second record, make sure you are updating the address in the correct record.

If you find the AE/AO record is linked to the wrong CC record, you can remove this link and relink to the correct record using the Contact Integration Manager  (CIM) program on the CC server.

For details on how to use the CIM program, refer to the Library folder located on the CC 3.1 installation file.  This may be stored on your network.  Alternatively, instructions are available for the my.MYOB Product Downloads page, Australia or New Zealand.

If you have identified duplicate records, refer to Duplicate People or Corporations in Corporate Compliance.

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