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Advising ASIC of the removal or addition of a joint shareholder

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)

  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)

Article ID: 30474

In MYOB Corporate Compliance, when a change of joint shareholding occurs you are required to lodge a Form 484C to notify ASIC of the share transfer to the new joint holders.

When a change of joint shareholding occurs, you are required to transfer the shares from the current holders to the new joint holders, and lodge a Form 484C to notify ASIC of the changes.

For example:

Shares were held by persons A and B and C, and a recent change means the shares are now held by Person A and B.  You would need to perform a share transfer, transferring from Persons A, B and C, nominating Person A and B as the transferees in this transaction. A Form 484C is produced by default at the end of the transfer wizard. For more details, refer to Transferring shares

If the original notification to the ASIC was incorrect then a 492 should be lodged.  For example, if you notified the ASIC that shares were held by persons A and B and C, and this is incorrect, as person C never held those shares, you would lodge Form 492 explaining the mistake.

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