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Assigning a tax agent to a partner in AE Tax (Series 6 & 8)

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 34087

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Series 6/8, to assign a tax agent in a tax return you need to assign the correct tax partner in one of the following methods depending on how you access AE Tax.

  • Client Compliance Users:  Via the Responsibility tab in MYOB AE integrated with Practice Manager.
  • Contacts Users:  Via the Attributes tab in the specific clients' Contacts screen. 

The following is information regarding assigning a tax agent to a partner.

You need to have already created a tax agent and this knowledgebase article will step you through assigning that tax agent to a partner.  For more information on creating an agent refer to Creating a tax agent  
Accessing AE Tax via Client Compliance
  1. Follow the menu path: Start > All programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Compliance Management. The Compliance Management module opens.
  2. Click the Configure menu option and select Assign Tax Agent to Partner. The Assign Tax Agent window opens.
  3. At the relevant Partner, click the drop-down arrow in the Tax Agent field and select the required Tax Agent for that partner. The Tax Agent is selected.
  4. Click Close. The Assign Tax Agent window closes.
  5. Click Close. Compliance Management closes.
  6. Within AE Practice Manager open your Client. The Client - <name of client> tab displays.
  7. Select the Responsibility tab. The contents of the tab display.
  8. Type a start date in the Start Date field. A start date appears. Note:  If a Partner already exists, ensure that you first enter an End Date for this Partner before assigning the new Partner.
  9. Click the ellipses [...] button in the Partner field. The Find Partners window displays. Note:  If no partners display click the Search button and all partners will display.
  10.  Highlight the partner and click OK. The Responsibility tab appears and the selected partner is in the Partner field. 
Accessing AE Tax via Contacts
  1. Follow the menu path:
    Start > All programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Employees.
    The Employees window opens.
  2. Select the Partner and double click to open the Properties.
    The Partner Properties windows open.
  3. Select the correct agent code in the Tax Agent field an click OK.
    The Partner properties window closes.
  4. Click Close.
    Employees module closes.
  5. Within Contacts open your Client.
    The details of the contact appear.
  6. Click the Attributes tab.
    The contents of the tab displays.
  7. Click the drop down arrow at the Partner field.
    A list of Partners displays.
  8. Select the Partner.
    The partner code populates in the Partner field.
  9. Press the Tab key.
    The selection is confirmed.

The new tax agent details flow through to all the tax returns which have that partner assigned EXCEPT those returns that have the status of Completed or Lodged 

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