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Backing up and restoring data in AE Practice Manager

This support note applies to:

  • AE Workpapers (AU)
  • AE Statutory Reporter (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34029

The backup feature introduced in MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM) enables you to back up and restore your databases and critical configuration files for Practice Manager, Tax, Statutory Reporter and Workpapers.


The new backup feature enables you to back up and restore your databases and critical configuration files for Practice Manager, Tax, Statutory Reporter and Work papers.

Backup and restore functions can only be performed on the server, not on a workstation.
  • In addition, a workstation install must have been performed for the backup and restore features to be available.
  • This backup feature does not replace your system back up.  It should be used in conjunction with offline backups to take the backup files created to an offline source in case of a complete server failure.

  • This backup feature does not replace Datasafe backups (for Integrated Release sites)Datasafe backups should still be used for data from Profiles, Timecost and FBT products. Do not remove the Datasafe Scheduled Backup from the Windows Task Scheduler.
Backup Permissions & Menu options
Access to the Maintenance > Backup menu is available to all employees in a security group ticked for Super User privileges. 
  • Task permission #Backup#ReceiveFailureNotification can be used to allow a non-super user receive backup failure notifications.


There are three available options for Backup which are accessed from the Maintenance > Backup menu:

  • Backup Now:  Creates a backup of data and any critical configuration files for the some of the MYOB products installed on your system at any time.
  • Schedule Backups:  You can schedule backups of your database and critical configuration files to be done at regular periods that are convenient to your practice. It is recommended that you choose a time when there is minimal use of the system, for example, overnight or early morning.


    Cancel any current scheduled tasks that back up your database, Practice Manager, Tax, Statutory Reporter and Work papers configuration files. The Schedule Backups feature replaces these. Retain any other scheduled back up tasks.

  • View Backup History:  Information about each back up performed is recorded and can be viewed. Each backup is date and time stamped and a pass or fail result is listed. The location of each backup file is also listed. Any critical information regarding the backup is recorded in red.  If the last two backups have failed, a warning message is displayed when you log in if you belong to the security group that has been allowed the #Backup #Receive Failure Notification task permission in the Central product.
Restoring Data

Restoring a backup is performed from the Start > All Programs > MYOB > Restore a Backup menu from the server.

You will have to select the database to be restored by clicking the ellipsis button within the Restore From field, then clicking the Restore button.


  • You can restore any backup that you have made of your database.  It is important to be able to restore your database when data corruption occurs due to system crashes, viruses or simply user error.
  • A restore will not proceed if anyone is logged on to the MYOB application. The Restore feature performs a check on the backed up database to verify that it is a valid and successfully backed up database.
What data is back up?
The AE database (e.g., VPMSER) containing:
  • Client and contact information
  • Practice Manager data
  • Statutory Reporter data
  • Workpapers data
  • Document Manager profiling information and practice settings.
  • AE configuration files - <AE Program Directory>\lookup.xml where <AE Program Directory> is the location of the AE program files. The default location for this directory is:
    • \\<Server Name>\Central for a network installation.
    • C:\Program Files\MYOB\Central\Deploy for a standalone installation.
  • The AE Tax database which contains tax data.
  • AE Tax configuration files:
    • The DS6OP010 file in the <SOL64> directory.
    • The DS6OP060 file in the <SOL64> directory.
    • All files with the .ini file extension in the <SOL64> directory.
    • All files with the .inf file extension in the <SOL64> directory.
    • All files in the <SOL64>\TA\<DB>\INI\ directory.
    • All files in the <SOL64>\TA\<DB>\Audit\ directory
    • All files in the <SOL64>\Taxletters* directory (e.g. TaxLetters2007, TaxLetters2008).
    • The sol6sr.ini file in the C:\Windows directory.
    • where <SOL64> is the Tax/System release location and <DB> is the name of the AE Tax database.
  • Statutory Reporter configuration files - located in the <AE Program Directory>\StatutoryReporterData directory where <AE Program Directory> is the location of the AE program files.
What data is not backed up

Program files e.g. files with the extension dll and exe.

  • AccountRight files.

  • Documents, templates and other external files referenced within MYOB products.

  • The Document Manager file store (i.e. documents) and configuration files.

  • Corporate Compliance data.

  • MAS ledgers.

  • Assets ledgers.

  • AE Reporter data.

  • Accounts ledgers.

Data from the following legacy products:

  • PMA

  • Profiles

  • Timecost

  • Creditors

  • Cashbook

  • FBT

  • Investments. 



Reminder:  The AE PM Backup feature does not replace Datasafe backups (for Integrated Release sites) Datasafe backups should still be used for data from Profiles, Timecost and FBT products. Do not remove the Datasafe Scheduled Backup from the Windows Task Scheduler.




Internal Notes

The task permission [Maintenance][Backup] cannot be used to allow non-super users access to the backup options.  See service request 132316145784 . 

This is a known issue which is unlikely to be fixed.  Backups are an important function - if you are backing up you should be a super-user!

Function became available in 5.2

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