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Backing up ledgers and creating work files in AE Accounts

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 33418

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Accounts, you may wish to back up an AE Accounts ledger such as prior to rolling forward to a new year or period or create a work file to prevent historical data being lost in the event of a corruption in the ledger. Backups and Work copies are taken through Client File Maintenance, accessible via the Tools menu of an Accounts ledger or through Client Compliance.

This process takes a backup of the Accounts, Assets and Reporter files. Information on restoring a backup can be found in Restoring a ledger from a backup in AE Accounts.

To backup or create a work copy of an Accounts ledger
  1. From MYOB AE, open the relevant client and click Client Compliance on the TASKS pane. Alternatively, if you use Contacts to access Accounts, open your client's profile from within Contacts.

  2. In Client Compliance, from the Tools menu, select Client File Maintenance.
  3. In the File Group field, type ACT then press the Enter key on the keyboard.
  4. In the Selection field, press B on the keyboard to create a backup or W to create a work copy. The new backup or work copy details appear.

    If you wish to amend any details or enter a comment, type A in the Selection field for Amend, then press the Enter key until you get to the field you want to edit. If you wish to send a work copy to Home, type H in the Selection field.

  5. Press the Enter key on the keyboard.

The backup or work file is created and appears in the list of ACT files.

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