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Changing an Entity Type in AE Accounts

This support note applies to:

  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 31973

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Accounts, the entity type for the ledger is specified on the creation of the ledger. Once this information is specified and the ledger is created you cannot change the the Entity Type.

If you need to change the Entity Type you can delete the existing Accounts ledger and recreate the ledger with the correct type of entity selected.

Information on how to delete a ledger can be found in Deleting an Accounts ledger.

Deleting the AE Accounts ledger for the contact also deletes the AE Assets ledger.


If you wish to retain the Assets information, identify the relevant file name and copy the .AST file to the desktop.  When you create the new Accounts ledger, create a new Assets ledger and select the Duplicate option.  Select the file containing this client's data to duplicate from.

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