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Deleting an Accounts ledger

This support note applies to:

  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 24393

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) you may need to delete an Accounts ledger from a contact.

Before you can do this, you need to first delete all backups for the ledger through Client File Maintenance.. Once these backups have been deleted, you can then delete the entire ledger by deleting the HOME copy.

The following process will delete the Accounts ledger (.ACT), AE Assets ledger (.AST) and the AE Reporter files (.NRW) for the contact.

1. Delete all backups of the ledger
  1. From AE, open the relevant client and click Client Compliance. If you are using Contacts only, you can skip this step and go straight to step two.

  2. From the Tools menu select Client File Maintenance.

  3. From the FILE GROUP field, type ACT and press ENTER on the keyboard. The .act home and backup copies are listed in the Client File Maintenance window.
  4. From the SELECTION field, type Back-x where x = the backup number. Then press ENTER. The backup file is selected.
  5. Type D then press ENTER. The message "Delete file - Are you sure?" appears.

  6. Type Y then press ENTER. The backup file is deleted.

  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to remove all remaining backups.

2. Delete the Accounts (HOME) ledger

Once all backups of the ledger have been deleted in Client File Maintenance, you can then delete the active Accounts ledger. This is also known as the HOME copy in Client File Maintenance.

  1. From the SELECTION field, type HOME, then press ENTER. The HOME file is selected.
  2. Type D then press ENTER. The message "Delete file - Are you sure?" appears.
  3. Type Y then press ENTER. The Accounts ledger for your client is deleted.


If you wish to retain the Assets information, identify the relevant file name and copy the .AST file to the desktop.  When you create the new Accounts ledger, create a new Assets ledger and select the Duplicate option.  Select the file containing this client's data to duplicate from.

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