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Error: "114/Index does not match table" when opening an Accountants Office module

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 13960

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

If you get the "114/Index does not match table" error when opening MYOB Accountants Office, you'll need to rebuild the CADATA files.

Before you begin, make sure all users are logged out of MYOB Accountants Office.

To rebuild the index files
  1. Follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB > Accountants Office Data Repair. When this has completed, the message "CAData files have now been deleted. Please restart Accountants Office." 
  2. Click OK. The rebuild is complete.
  3. Open Windows Explorer or Computer and navigate to the \Data folder. To identify this location open Accountants Office and from the Help menu select About MYOB Accountants Office... then click Application Details.

    In the next step, don't delete EXCEPTSTAFF.CDX.
  4. Delete .CDX files:
    • Clients, Marketing:  delete *.CDX in the \CLIENTS sub-folder.
    • Timesheets, Invoicing, Workflow:  delete *.CDX in the \TIMEMAN and \WORKFLOW sub-folders.
    • Return Preparation, Tax Management, E-File:  delete *.CDX in the \TAXMAN sub-folder.
    • Debtors:  delete *.CDX in the \DEBTMAN sub-folder.
    • General Ledger:  delete *.CDX in the \GLMAN sub-folder. If the error is with opening a client's ledger, refer to Error: "114/Index does not match the table" when opening a ledger
    • Payroll:  delete PAYROLLS.* in the \PAYROLL sub-folder.
  5. Restart MYOB Accountants Office.
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