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Error "1705/File Access is denied M:\MYOBAO\Data\gl_round.dbf"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 28966

This error occurs when running reports on an Annual Ledger in Accountants Office on a workstation using Windows Server 2003. A Windows Server 2003 update available from the 14th of September 2006 changed the security profile of the Windows Temp directories.

MYOB is investigating this issue. To fix the error, either:

  • change security settings to allow user access to the Temp directories
  • change your ledger from an Annual Ledger to a Period Ledger.

To change your security settings

See Windows help, or consult your IT technician.

Changing your ledger

Before you begin

Ensure you have a backup of your data. For details, see Backing up General Ledger data in AO Classic.

To change your client's general ledger file to periodic reporting
  1. Open your client's General Ledger.

  2. Go to General Ledger > Options. The Ledger Configuration window appears.

  3. Select the Record Period Balances option.

  4. Close the Ledger Configuration window and run the financial reports. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.