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Error: "An unexpected error has occurred. Please check the log file for details"

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (NZ)
  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 35732

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

In MYOB Accountants Office Classic (AO Classic), when opening a client record in AO Classic or AO Tax Manager, you may experience the following error:

"An unexpected error has occurred.  Please check the log file for details. Reason:  A remote side security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication.  Try increasing the ProtectionLevel and/or ImpersonationLevel."

This may also be accompanied by an error "1429" when opening Return Preparation in AO Classic. This error occurs because the workstation cannot access the MYOB Tax Manager Service that is running on the server.

MYOB recommends that you use the following Microsoft Link.

Microsoft: Running the Samples in a Workgroup and Across Machines.
Specifically, this error may occur if you are using a Workgroup or peer-to-peer network.  In a Workgroup, files and folders are shared to other computers, but Services are not.

To resolve this error, you need to create a Windows user account on the server machine for each user that will access from a workstation.  This user account needs to be an exact ‘clone’ of the user account, both the username and password, on each workstation.

For Example: John logs onto his workstation as ‘JohnSmith’, with a password of ‘HSV307’.  So you need a user account named ‘JohnSmith’ on the server, with a password of ‘HSV307’.  If John ever changes his password on his workstation, you also need to change the password to the ‘JohnSmith’ account on the server to be the same as it is on the workstaton.

This needs to be the internal account name, not the displayed account name.  If you go to Control Panel and select Change Your Account Name, this changes the displayed account name - the underlying account name in Windows will not change.  For example, if you rename the 'Administrator' account to 'John Smith', then the Windows login screen will show 'John Smith'.  However, if you right-click on the Task bar and select Start Task Manager, then select the Processes tab, the User Name column that non-system processes are being run by shows 'Administrator'. This is the account name you need to create on the server.

If the error continues, you may need to create a brand new user on both the server and workstation and log into the workstation using this user. You also need to go into Control Panel > Credential Manager and add a new Windows Credentials entry for this user.  Finally, ensure UAC is set to Never Notify under Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control Settings and a reboot has been applied. For more information refer to Disabling User Account Control (UAC)

If you require assistance with configuring any of the above, please consult your IT support person.

If you still receive a 1429 error in AO Classic when opening Return Preparation on some machines, uninstall and reinstall .NET 4.0.
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