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Error: "Client/Application (x:\SOL64\SYSTEM\OP) not found"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 30805

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) when opening tax returns from the Tax Returns page in AE Practice Manager you may experience the error "Client/Application (x:\SOL64\SYSTEM\OP) not found".

If you experience this error, submit a support request quoting KB 30805. For details refer to Submitting a support request


MYOB Internal Notes:

This occurs on profiles sites, where the system is using the hidden tab in Maintenance > Tax > Settings within AE PM settings to launch C:\SOL64\SR.exe.

On these sites, we need to remove the sr.exe from this command line to allow it to work.

To fix this, we need to expose this hidden tab, and adjust the target location.

  1. From AE PM, go to Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration. The Configuration window opens.
  2. Type TaxProfilesOverride in the KeyName field then press tab.
  3. Type No in the KeyValue field and press tab.
  4. Click OK. The key is saved and the configuration window closes.
  5. Close out of AE PM. This allows the setting to be activated upon re-opening.
  6. Login to AE PM.
  7. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Tax > Settings. The System Services TAB now appears.
  8. Edit the System Services path to the correct SOL64 path i.e X:\SOL64 then click Save. The changes are saved.
    The return now opens without errors.

Note: If the error still occurs, recheck location.

Important: You will now need to remove the TaxProfilesOverride setting from configuration.

  1. From AE PM, go to Maintenece > User Defined > Configuration. The Configuration window opens.
  2. Highlight the entry TaxProfilesOverride and press DELETE. The Confirm Delete window appears.
  3. Press Yes to confirm deletion.
  4. Exit from AE PM.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.