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Error: "Component crviewer.dll or one of it dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" when running reports

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 26123

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets (AE Assets) you may experience the following error "Component crviewer.dll or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" when attempting to run reports in AE Assets.

To resolve this error you need to complete the following steps on the affected workstations:

1. Uninstall Crystal Reports

To uninstall Crystal Reports, you will need to log onto the affected workstation as Administrator and perform the following steps:

  1. Follow the menu path: Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. The Uninstall or change a program window appears.
  2. Highlight CR11 and select Uninstall. The "Are you sure you want to uninstall?" window appears.
  3. Click Yes. The Program has now been removed.
  4. Highlight Crystal Reports run-time components and select Uninstall. The "Are you sure you want to uninstall?" window appears.
  5. Click Yes. The Program has now been removed.

2. Uninstall AE Assets

To uninstall AE Assets follow the steps in Uninstalling Assets using UNWISE.exe. This article will step you through the process of using the UNWISE.exe utility to correctly uninstall AE Assets.

3. Reinstall AE Assets

To reinstall AE Assets, navigate to the my.MYOB Product Downloads page, Australia to download the latest release. For step-by-step instructions on installing AE Assets, an Installation Guide is also available on the Product Downloads page.

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