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Error: "Failed to create the client: Cannot load the DLL Viz2CDS.dll or one of the DLL's it references. Reason 126"

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 32267

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM) you may experience the error "Failed to create the client: Cannot load the DLL Viz2CDS.dll or one of the DLL's it references. Reason 126" after upgrading SQL and attempting to add a new client.

To resolve this message you need to ensure the SR DAL and background process is running on the AE PM server.  Once you have checked these are running, perform the following tasks on the AE PM data server:

1. Edit the Configuration tab of System Release DAL
Ensure all users have exit from Tax before performing the following steps:
  1. On the server, open the System Release DAL service. The System Release DAL screen opens.
  2. Click Stop on the Status tab. The SR DAL Status field changes to Stopped.
  3. Click the Configuration tab and remove [local] from the SQL Server to host database field.
  4. Type the server name in the SQL Server to host database field.
  5. Restart the service.
2. Edit the Registry
  1. Go to Start > Run and type in REGEDIT in the Open field and click OK. The Registry Editor screen appears.
  2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > ControlSet > Services > MSSSQLSERVER Modified - ImagePath and remove the quotation marks [" "] from the .exe file.
3. Re-install VizCDS19.exe

Re-install the integration software VizCDS19.exe on the server;

  1. Browse to your 5.4 install > AE_Practice_Manager_5_4 > AE_Practice_Manager_5_4 > Tax Integration > Classic Tax > Software components.
  2. Double click the VizCDS19.exe and follow the prompts to install.
4. Run the Grant.sql file

After any install of the VizCDS19.exe you need to run the Grant.sql script over the vpmser database. To download this script, click the link  Grant.sql and save the file to a memorable location.

Refer to Running a script through SQL Server Management Studio

5. Start Run CDS VizPost

Click Run CDS VizPost from Start > All Programs > Solution 6 (or from the link on the desktop) on the server.

6. Run a Resync Viztopia to CDS

Click ReSync Viztopia to CDS from Start > All Programs > Solution 6 on the server.

Once completed, test adding a new client in AE PM, and adding/editing addresses.

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